Im getting layer Shifts

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 5 PLus
MCU / Printerboard: SKR Mini E3 V3

klippy (2).log (4.4 MB)

printer (1).cfg (6.2 KB)

Got layer shifts when trying to go to Klipper. I have a micro swiss NG.

I was trying to print a calibration cube :frowning:

Describe your issue: I’m getting Layer Shifts, could it be my bltouch that going wrong? it does blink during the print.

The run_currents (0.45 A, 0.57 A and 0.48A) for X/Y/Z are extremely low.
You may increase them to at least 0.75 A

I guess the Micro Swiss NG is pretty new. Did you have a look here Micro Swiss NG settings (extruder and BL Touch offset)?
Good luck!

BTW: Layer shifts are an issue with X/Y movement, usually not the extruder.

I’m not sure if these are layer shifts. I can’t even find a proper layer in this picture that could have shifted.
Looks like completely messed up extrusion.

But generally @EddyMI3D initial diagnose with the currents is a good starting point. They really seem exceptionally low

I increased the run_current to .75 this helped out alot. Its better than it was before. So should Keep increasing the run current little by little? Sorry Im a total noob. When it comes to this.

If it is good in one direction, you can stay with it.
You may increase by 50 mA at a time.

But always take care for good cooling of the stepper drivers.