Basic Information:
Printer Model: ender 3(the frame is still original)
MCU / Printerboard: btt skr mini e3 v2
Host / SBC: rpi 3 b+
klippy.log: (500.4 KB)
Describe your issue:
Im getting a constant layer shift in the y direction at every layer change, the issue is not mechanical
I have a nema 23 on the y axis and a makerbase tmc2160 connected to the original display connector the spi is not connected. The layer shift decreases very slightly if i increase the microsteps from 16 to 32 changing the motor current does not help it is running at 3.4A at 36V. If i switch back to the 2209 driver built in to the skr the layer shift is gone but i cant get “high” accels bc of the 2A current limit on the 2209. Also the issue is intermittent it was working fine for a few months.
The driver is not over heating i have tracked its temperature and it never goes above 45C the stepper is water cooled
Also i tried a different external driver and i had the same intermittent issue
edit: i changed the topic to Configs since people seem to be actually responding to those ones