Klipper SD Card Update not work

Hey all.
I like to update my Mks Robin Nano V1.2 Board to last Klipper version.
The board have an older version installed.
But Klipper don´t read my SD Card. This board is from a Flsun Q5 printer.
I put the original Q5 Firmware to the card, connect the Display turn power on.
But no Firmware update work.
The first time i have installed Klipper on this board, the re stock flashing works fine.
Can any help?

Did you follow the information on top of klipper/generic-mks-robin-nano-v1.cfg at master · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub?


Yes. Exactly. The Board works and communicate with the Rasberry and print. But no firmware update from SD work. Klipper, Marlin, Stock Flsun. Nothing

Not sure. But i thinks klipper have my bootblock overwritten. The settings are 28kb offset. But make menuconfig have ignored? Bug?

Your make menuconfig needs to look like this:

You have to follow it to the letter:

  • ./scripts/update_mks_robin.py out/klipper.bin out/Robin_nano.bin needs to be run after ther make command
  • On the SD card must only be the file Robin_nano.bin
  • As an alternative try naming the firmware file Robin_nano35.bin

Quite unlikely, unless you have forced your board into the bootloader mode by setting “boot 0” pin to low and “boot 1” pin to high.

Hello. Yes. This menuconfig settings are the same. The first time flashing klipper i have insert the stock Flsun card and booting. Or Marlin and back to stock works at this time. But after flashing klipper for now, i cant flash any firmware. Here is no sd card access. The board have no pins boot0 or boot1. I mean i have not found;-)
The script was called after compile. But no file Robin_nano.bin or Robin_nano35.bin works

As I do not own this board, no further ideas, sorry.

But thanks for your help. I paid an ST-Link. But not sure burn the Bootloader new

I paid an ST-Link and re-flash the klipper firmware 0.9. The sd card not work. But the printer board. Only this version of Klipper works. All above 0.9 not. The same problem i have with the MKS SGen-L board and all over version 0.9 from Klipper.

Hi, I am having the same issue with mks robin nano v1.3, Klipper 0.9 works, but above does not. Did you find any solution?

Hi. Ohh, that was long ago. I cant say at this time correctly. Klipper 10 have a new command structure. I read the guide on any site. I cant tell you. But if you use Klipper 0.9 and your board works fine, take no update. Here are no visible changes for you. Only what i can see is the gcode preview. But i dont use this.

And again. Change your sdcard?

Well, at least for the MKS Robin Nano V1.3 you have to omit the script update_mks_robin.sh.
You need to directly flash the out/klipper.bin by copying it to sdcard with the name Robin_nano35.bin
This works at least on my printer. Here are my settings

[*] Enable extra low-level configuration options
Micro-controller Architecture (STMicroelectronics STM32) —>
Processor model (STM32F407) —>
Bootloader offset (32KiB bootloader) —>
Clock Reference (8 MHz crystal) —>
Communication interface (Serial (on USART3 PB11/PB10)) —>
(250000) Baud rate for serial port
(!PC6,!PD13) GPIO pins to set at micro-controller startup

Do not forget the GPIO Pins.
I was able to flash with the display connected and it blanked out once flashing was done.

I had similar problem with Robon Nano 1.2 on Two trees Sapphire Plus; And solution was in the SD card - 16Gb SD card did not worked. Friend told me to try 2Gb SD card and format it to Fat. Then I copyed the Robin_nano35.bin to it and the magic happened and all was flashed as needed.

were you able to get the ST-Link to work. I cannot get mine to connect with the board.

The post you refer to is almost 2 years old.

Please open a new thread with all requested information.