Klipper wont connect after M112

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender3
MCU / Printerboard: SKR MINI E3V2
klippy.log (1018.8 KB)


Describe your issue:

I was trying to get my bed leveled , but the movement became very slow, so i did press the e-stop , and since , i cant reconnect to the printer (Tried to reboot the Printer and Raspberry Too).

What could i do ?

Do a firmware reset via the webinterface or repower the board or use the reset button on the board

Already done several times, except firmware reset since i can’t connect from octoprint?
Except if i missed something?


  • sudo service klipper restart
  • Connect from octoprint
  • Do a firmware restart

That was it!
Thank you!