Basic Information:
Printer Model: N/A
MCU / Printerboard: Custom Main Controller Board
Host / SBC: rPi CM4/CM4 Equivalent
klippy-KGB_XY_Stepper_Test.log (150.5 KB)
I’m about to have some custom boards manufactured and tested. I’m working through the Functional Test Requirements right now.
The expectation is that the boards will be inserted into a test fixture with Pogo Pins to the different interfaces followed by booting Klipper/Moonraker/Mainsail and execute a macro that runs through tests that provide basic exercising of the hardware.
The boards have the following features:
- Socket for Raspberry Pi CM4 (or equivalent) with Raspberry Pi 40 Pin IO header, CSI/DSI, USB 2.0, Ethernet and HDMI IO
- 4x TMC2209 controlled serially with DIAG pins connected
- 2x 15A Heater Drivers with Thermistor Inputs (which have 4.7k Pull ups)
- 5x Endstop Sockets
- 4x Fan/LED Strip Drivers
- 2x NeoPixel Drivers/outputs
- Microfit CAN Interface
- 3Pin Inductive Probe Interface
- 5Pin BL Touch Header
- 6Pin ADXL345 Interface
- I2C Interface
- EXP1/EXP2 Header
I have a pretty good idea for many of these interfaces but there are a couple that I’m not sure of and I’m looking for ideas.
The first one to work with are the TMC2209 stepper motor drivers. The best way to test them is to connect them to motors and let them run - as they are connected to the DIAG pin, I want to test Sensorless Homing as this will test essentially all the functionality of the chip as well as connections to it (ie the EN, DIR, STEP, UART and DIAG pins).
The easiest hardware to do the test is a simple base on a stepper motor that has a post that a striker arm, mounted to the stepper output shaft will collide with:
I’m thinking that after the sensorless homing is complete, the striker arm will come into contact with a momentary on switch, inductive sensor or BL Touch to test that interface’s functionality. But, that’s the next steps.
As can be seen in the attached klippy.log
, I have set up a simulated printer and can run homing on X & Y using sensorless homing (with the striker arm coming into contact with the base’s post).
The question is, how can I repeat this test for the other two stepper motor drivers (not labeled “X” or “Y”)?
I don’t see any published console commands to do this and I can’t find macro hardware interfaces that will allow me to do this. I don’t want to load a new printer.cfg
as that takes time and will require a higher level of service than somebody that just presses a button to start a test and waits for the results (in displayed LEDs/Neopixels).
I don’t mind writing code but I would like a direction to look in.