March 2, 2022, 9:16am
Hi, i am developing a new Printer with many extruders, sensors and so on. My question is, are there any board,microcontroller, I/O limits when using Klipper and an RPI? Or can i theoretically add as many as i want?
Thanks for helping!!
Hello @K-GS !
Most important is, that the Klipper drivers can be compiled for the MCU of the printer:
opened 01:29AM - 13 Apr 19 UTC
closed 02:20PM - 25 May 19 UTC
Hi Kevin,
This isn't so much of an Issue as it is a request. I've been getting … a lot of questions regarding what boards Klipper works on. Is there a list of boards that are known to work fine/work with some intricacies? If there isnt i would be willing to start putting one together as i tihnk it would be nice to have a chart to point people to to see what boards work/to get.
Something like the image below from the Marlin 2.0 32-bit thread:

Thanks for the amazing firmware and great work!
# Features
Klipper has several compelling features:
* High precision stepper movement. Klipper utilizes an application
processor (such as a low-cost Raspberry Pi) when calculating printer
movements. The application processor determines when to step each
stepper motor, it compresses those events, transmits them to the
micro-controller, and then the micro-controller executes each event
at the requested time. Each stepper event is scheduled with a
precision of 25 micro-seconds or better. The software does not use
kinematic estimations (such as the Bresenham algorithm) - instead it
calculates precise step times based on the physics of acceleration
and the physics of the machine kinematics. More precise stepper
movement translates to quieter and more stable printer operation.
* Best in class performance. Klipper is able to achieve high stepping
rates on both new and old micro-controllers. Even old 8bit
micro-controllers can obtain rates over 175K steps per second. On
more recent micro-controllers, several million steps per second are
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