Using Klipper for any projects

Hey guys.
I do my pet project - PTZ mount for camera. It is simple PTZ mount, so I should control 2 step motors (pan, tilt) and one servo (zoom). I has software on PC, that connected to mainboard through USB and send G-code direct to UART.
First implementation was FYSETC E4 + Marlin, second FYSETC E4 + GRBL. It works, but I want more!) Idea came to mind - use klipper for it. I bought old mainboard from ANYCUBIC Kobra 2 Neo and flash klipper to it. Now I try to communicate with MCU using low-level binary protocol. But now without success.
Can I use klipper in random “non 3d printer mode”? For example - I has six motors and wan’t control it by G-code commands?
Does anyone have experience with initialization of MCU, configuration resources and control it using low-level klipper protocol?

P.S. using MCU on mainboard as proxy for external control is a brilliant idea. Klipper is a great project! I think it has potential for using in non 3d printer projects!

While this sounds like a tempting idea, Klipper is highly specialized for 3D printing, and this specialization does not fit well into the concept of a “general robotics” platform.

First and foremost, Klipper translates G-codes into precisely timed movement segments. It then interweaves these movement segments with other printing-related tasks, such as precisely planned and timed temperature and fan control commands. Finally, it queues up all these planned items and ensures that the queue is faithfully processed by the hardware.

This approach already presents a significant hurdle for “real-time” robotics: Klipper does not support reacting to external influences, jumping or reordering commands in the queue, or immediately responding to user input.

All these features are simply not necessary for a 3D printing firmware but are essential for a “general-purpose” or “real-time” platform.