" make: *** No rule to make target 'flash'. Stop. " Error received when flashing MCU

Basic Information:

I am trying to install Klipper with KIAUH and Mainsail following Sineos’ guide, and when I try to flash the firmware I get the error as described in the title of this post.

make flash FLASH_DEVICE

The FLASH_DEVICE part in that command is supposed to be replaced by the info retrieved by the ls /dev/serial/by-id/* command, right? Is there any info that needs to go after FLASH_DEVICE? If so, what is that info?

Maybe helpful to know what device you want to flash (what board).

I am using a Raspberry pi 4 to do this. I’m not sure what my printer board is, though.
When I built my firmware, I selected avr atmega2560 in one of the options(I can’t remember which one it was). Would that be a problem?

You should be quite sure what you want to flash, else flashing makes no sense.
The setup is made for certain boards/MCUs. You can’t flash a 32-bit board with 8-bit firmware.

A close look on the board helps a lot: Name of the board and the MCU

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My MCU is the one in the separate case, right?

It looks like the board that’s not in a separate case says “Creality V2.2”

I think I’m going to try to build a different firmware. How would I delete the old one?

I poked around a bit and solved it by building a different firmware.

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