MCU error. Will not load. Errno 2

Basic Information:

Printer Model: sp5 v3
MCU / Printerboard:Robin Nano v3.1
klippy.log (490.3 KB)


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Describe your issue:

For the life of my I can not get the mcu to be recognized. I’ve done the steps to fix the serial/by-id/* issue but that didn’t solve the problem. I’ve tried 4 different USB cables but that doesn’t seem to work. It worked once and i tried to home the machine and it jolted a little bit then stopped. changed the current on the steppers saved and restarted and it never came back up. Have tried the original printer.cfg i had before i modified the current values. I’m at a loss at the moment. Any help would be appreciated

What do you think what <your-mcu-id> means?


You noticed this at line 11588?

serial = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f407xx_480030000150305148383820-if00

Ah OK my dump was too short, sorry.

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