MCU shuts down during print (emergency_stop ?)

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creality Ender 6
MCU / Printerboard: Creality V4.3.1
klippy_shutdown04772.log (106.8 KB)
klippy_shutdown22472.log (108.0 KB)

I’m still relatively new to 3D printing and running Klipper (desuu version for Ender 6) for more then 6 months now. Love it!

For the first time I’m looking into a “real” issue/error with Klipper. It’s shutting down during printing and I have no idea why. This happens when printing a specific model/gcode (sliced with SuperSlicer).
So I checked the klippy.log and used the function to extract errors/shutdowns from it. The output of two errors is attached to this post (I had to rename the files to be able to upload them here. The original filename was formated “klippy.log.shutdown04772”).

I browsed/read through the logs to find and understand the error. I also reviewed the GCODE (I could upload the full gcode or parts of it if neccessary/helpful).
My understanding of the log file is that the print stops (=printer shuts down) at a Z height of 12.48mm, which does correspont to the actual printed part. But I still have no idea what (command?) actually causes the shutdown. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I hope that someone of you guys could help me interprete the log file and find the error.

Many thanks in advance,

Pushing this up again.
I still don’t have an idea what causes the shutdown.

Is this a unique error nobody had befor?
Who could help me to interprete the log files and identify the error?

Generally speaking:

  • Always publish a complete and unmodified klippy.log
  • You are using an unofficial fork of Klipper, so nobody will likely dig into it unless you reproduce the same error with a pristine Klipper
  • According to the log it looks like the shutdown was intentionally initiated: MCU 'raspi' shutdown: Command request
  • In addition the moonraker.log might be helpful (if you are using it)

Hi @Sineos ,
Thanks for your comments!

  • Always publish a complete and unmodified klippy.log

Here it is (I had to zip it to be able to upload it): (1.5 MB)
BTW: I used this “official” method to extract the error/shutdown messages which according to it’s description is stated to “may be useful when analyzing a micro-controller shutdown or similar problem.”. I thought this sounds like exactly what is needed to figure out my issue :slight_smile:

You are using an unofficial fork of Klipper, so nobody will likely dig into it unless you reproduce the same error with a pristine Klipper

The desuu fork is the only way to get my Ender 6’s touchscreen running with Klipper. That’s why I use it.

  • According to the log it looks like the shutdown was intentionally initiated: MCU 'raspi' shutdown: Command request

I already saw this line in the log, but wasn’t really sure what it’s about. What I can say: The shutdown was not intended – at least from me :wink:
The interesting point: I reprinted the same GCODE and the printer has shut down at the exact same position.

In addition the moonraker.log might be helpful (if you are using it)

I do use moonraker, but the log from that day is already gone :frowning:

I hope this helps for some deeper investigation.

Thank you :pray:

It occured again :roll_eyes:
I loaded the same SuperSlicer project (the one that failed before), changed some “random” slicing parameters (position on bed, layer height, temperature, infill etc.) and started the print.
This time the MCU has shut down way earlier than in the first two attempts.

Here are the “fresh” log files, now including moonraker:
klippy.log (3.4 MB)
moonraker.log (5.9 KB)

Does this provide any new insight?