MCU timer too close -- suspected rpi 3b+ overload

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 5 ish
MCU / Printerboard: SKR Mini e3 V3
klippy.log klippy(1).log (3.8 MB)

Describe your issue:

My printer has been working amazing for the past couple of months. I have been trying to print a little edc container and my printer has had a mcu shutdown every time (I tried like 8 with different slicer settings). I am printing a bit faster than usual but my host is a rpi 3b+ so I wouldn’t think it should have issues. My power supply is a cana kit 5v 2.5a and the usb cable is shielded with a added ferrite bead. I think the issue comes down to the rpi but I wanted to get more input. Any help is appreciated!

See Timer too close
Unfortunately, there is nothing more to say about this intermittent error.