MKS Robin E3 + MKS PWC

Hi there! Anyone running successfully MKS PWC with Klipper? Especially with Ender 3 furnished with MKS Robin E3?
Essentially what the MKS PWC does is automatically shutting down the printer after the print is finished. It works as expected with Marlin, but when I try it Klipper the printer just shuts down after a second or two after being switched on.
The PWC is connected to the board via 2 sets of cables. The PWC’s PW_DET connects to Robin E3’s MT_DET (PB10) (also used for filament runout sensor) and the PWC’s PW_OFF connects to Robin E3’s PA14

The piece of code in Marlin to allow all that is:

Enable #define PSU_CONTROL

and the pins are configured as:

  #ifndef PS_ON_PIN
    #define PS_ON_PIN         PA14    //PW_OFF, you can change it to other pin
  #ifndef KILL_PIN
    #define KILL_PIN          PB10    //PW_DET, you can change it to other pin
  #define KILL_PIN_STATE      true     //true : HIGH level trigger
And the MKS PWC:

Anyone can suggest how to translate that into Klipper?
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I have been searching for the answer to this question also. This is the problem with Klipper. Not many are willing to help or know how to help.

There is a solution to disable the printer, you need to rebuild the printer firmware for the clipper
see here: Klipper config for MKS PWC V3.0? · Issue #18 · makerbase-mks/Klipper-for-MKS-Boards · GitHub

Hello @halfback2012 !

Thank you for your input.

You noticed that your have been quite late to this discussion?


A lot of things changed since then.