Move out of range: 357.000 455.000 40.000 [3060.866]

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron 2.4 300mm3
MCU / Printerboard:

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there

Describe your issue:

Hi, please help. I’m not sure what’s going on; I started to print. But had a filament issue. Then, I went to restart, and this came up. I can’t quite understand other topics to solve it. Thank you in advance for your help.

klippy (18).zip (2.6 MB)


Move out of range: 357.000 455.000 40.000 [3060.866]


Move out of range: 357.000 455.000 40.000 [3060.866]


Move out of range: 357.000 455.000 40.000 [3060.866]

Hello @chromelab !

Have you checked the slicer for correct settings - bed size and gcode flavour ?

There are some commands that can’t be digested by Klipper:

Invalid M204 command "M204 T1800"
Unknown command:"M566"

The T parameter of M204 is only used by Klipper when there is an additional P parameter

M566 is only used by RepRap and MK4duo:

What kind of issue? What did you do?

Why is the G28 inside the G32 macro?

Quite a misleading idea to use an assigned gcode (G32) for other purposes.

Hi @EddyMI3D

Thanks for the reply; well, I just did an update with Cura. It stopped me using the older software. Forced shutdowns. :see_no_evil:

Will check the bed settings in cura. But it seems like everything transferred over…

The filament was cut from the last print colour change and didn’t change it over so nothing was coming out for about 2mins :see_no_evil:

Why is the G28 inside the G32 macro? not sure of your question. Still have a lot to learn with this. But love it!!

hi @EddyMI3D

I had Reprap setting in cura rather than marlin. I feel that didnt help

Can you slice a small cube and attach the result to your next post?

z: 7.082137 z1: 7.096862 z2: 7.085313 z3: 7.090538
Average: 7.088712
Making the following Z adjustments:
stepper_z = 0.006575
stepper_z1 = -0.008150
stepper_z2 = 0.003400
stepper_z3 = -0.001825
Retries: 1/5 Probed points range: 0.005000 tolerance: 0.007500
Stats 6026.4: gcodein=0  mcu: mcu_awake=0.008 mcu_task_avg=0.000009 mcu_task_stddev=0.000012 bytes_write=4773889 bytes_read=3373529 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=164315 receive_seq=164315 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 stalled_bytes=0 freq=180001731 sd_pos=294 heater_bed: target=40 temp=39.9 pwm=0.095 chamber_temp: temp=19.8 sysload=0.11 cputime=628.761 memavail=744308 print_time=6029.054 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=15 extruder: target=210 temp=210.2 pwm=0.279
Stats 6027.4: gcodein=0  mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000009 mcu_task_stddev=0.000011 bytes_write=4775156 bytes_read=3374419 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=164371 receive_seq=164371 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 stalled_bytes=0 freq=180001737 sd_pos=294 heater_bed: target=40 temp=40.1 pwm=0.000 chamber_temp: temp=19.9 sysload=0.10 cputime=628.940 memavail=744308 print_time=6029.962 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=15 extruder: target=210 temp=210.2 pwm=0.279
Stats 6028.4: gcodein=0  mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000009 mcu_task_stddev=0.000011 bytes_write=4776455 bytes_read=3375292 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=164426 receive_seq=164426 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 stalled_bytes=0 freq=180001739 sd_pos=294 heater_bed: target=40 temp=40.0 pwm=0.116 chamber_temp: temp=19.8 sysload=0.10 cputime=629.122 memavail=744308 print_time=6030.919 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=15 extruder: target=210 temp=210.3 pwm=0.262
Stats 6029.4: gcodein=0  mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000009 mcu_task_stddev=0.000011 bytes_write=4777216 bytes_read=3376091 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=164473 receive_seq=164473 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 stalled_bytes=0 freq=180001736 sd_pos=294 heater_bed: target=40 temp=40.0 pwm=0.029 chamber_temp: temp=19.8 sysload=0.10 cputime=629.299 memavail=744308 print_time=6031.919 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=15 extruder: target=210 temp=210.2 pwm=0.332
Stats 6030.4: gcodein=0  mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000009 mcu_task_stddev=0.000011 bytes_write=4777956 bytes_read=3376861 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=164520 receive_seq=164520 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 stalled_bytes=0 freq=180001731 sd_pos=294 heater_bed: target=40 temp=40.0 pwm=0.029 chamber_temp: temp=19.8 sysload=0.10 cputime=629.469 memavail=744308 print_time=6032.919 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=15 extruder: target=210 temp=210.1 pwm=0.332
Stats 6031.4: gcodein=0  mcu: mcu_awake=0.009 mcu_task_avg=0.000009 mcu_task_stddev=0.000011 bytes_write=4779418 bytes_read=3377863 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=164584 receive_seq=164584 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 stalled_bytes=0 freq=180001728 sd_pos=294 heater_bed: target=40 temp=40.1 pwm=0.050 chamber_temp: temp=19.8 sysload=0.10 cputime=629.627 memavail=744308 print_time=6033.872 buffer_time=0.156 print_stall=15 extruder: target=210 temp=209.9 pwm=0.396
Stats 6032.4: gcodein=0  mcu: mcu_awake=0.008 mcu_task_avg=0.000009 mcu_task_stddev=0.000014 bytes_write=4780380 bytes_read=3378489 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=164615 receive_seq=164615 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 stalled_bytes=0 freq=180001734 sd_pos=294 heater_bed: target=40 temp=40.1 pwm=0.050 chamber_temp: temp=19.9 sysload=0.09 cputime=629.769 memavail=744308 print_time=6034.978 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=15 extruder: target=210 temp=209.9 pwm=0.396
Stats 6033.4: gcodein=0  mcu: mcu_awake=0.008 mcu_task_avg=0.000009 mcu_task_stddev=0.000014 bytes_write=4782462 bytes_read=3379473 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=164684 receive_seq=164684 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 stalled_bytes=0 freq=180001737 sd_pos=294 heater_bed: target=40 temp=40.1 pwm=0.050 chamber_temp: temp=19.8 sysload=0.09 cputime=629.916 memavail=744320 print_time=6036.107 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=15 extruder: target=210 temp=209.8 pwm=0.396
Stats 6034.4: gcodein=0  mcu: mcu_awake=0.008 mcu_task_avg=0.000009 mcu_task_stddev=0.000014 bytes_write=4783472 bytes_read=3380172 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=164724 receive_seq=164724 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 stalled_bytes=0 freq=180001736 sd_pos=294 heater_bed: target=40 temp=40.0 pwm=0.050 chamber_temp: temp=19.8 sysload=0.09 cputime=630.017 memavail=744320 print_time=6036.907 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=15 extruder: target=210 temp=209.7 pwm=0.447
Move out of range: 357.000 455.000 40.000 [3060.866]
Move out of range: 357.000 455.000 40.000 [3060.866]
Move out of range: 357.000 455.000 40.000 [3060.866]
Exiting SD card print (position 0)

Well, “somewhere”, e.g. in your slicer, start gcode or levelling routine, you are commanding your printer to go to X=357 and Y=455

The maximum permissible range of your printer is defined as X=299 and Y=305 and this is why you get this error.

Hi @Sineos

Thank you for your reply, is that what ‘move out of range’ means. I had that before with my print.cfg. Too many zeros. I have since rewrote my slicer settings and now works fine. How do you know its its X and Y too. whts the 3rd the Z.

I will tomorrow. Away from my printer now. Thanks @EddyMI3D

I did rewrite the slicer settings. and works, printer 2 layers before I had to go. I’m fairly new to this as I have said, could you recommend a slicer?

See Move out of range: X Y Z [E]

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