Basic Information:
Printer Model: Ender 3 v2
MCU / Printerboard: SKR Mini e3 v3
Host / SBC: Rpi 4
klippy.log (454.2 KB)
Describe your issue:
I am trying to get Input Shaping working in my printer, but found out that neither the MPU 6050 nor MPU 9250 work properly in klipper. I tested both sensors with the same cable in the same RPi that is running klipper with the following python script:
import smbus #import SMBus module of I2C
#some MPU6050 Registers and their Address
PWR_MGMT_1 = 0x6B
GYRO_XOUT_H = 0x43
GYRO_YOUT_H = 0x45
GYRO_ZOUT_H = 0x47
def MPU_Init():
#write to sample rate register
bus.write_byte_data(Device_Address, SMPLRT_DIV, 7)
#Write to power management register
bus.write_byte_data(Device_Address, PWR_MGMT_1, 1)
#Write to Configuration register
bus.write_byte_data(Device_Address, CONFIG, 0)
#Write to Gyro configuration register
bus.write_byte_data(Device_Address, GYRO_CONFIG, 24)
#Write to interrupt enable register
bus.write_byte_data(Device_Address, INT_ENABLE, 1)
def read_raw_data(addr):
#Accelero and Gyro value are 16-bit
high = bus.read_byte_data(Device_Address, addr)
low = bus.read_byte_data(Device_Address, addr+1)
#concatenate higher and lower value
value = ((high << 8) | low)
#to get signed value from mpu6050
if(value > 32768):
value = value - 65536
return value
bus = smbus.SMBus(1) # or bus = smbus.SMBus(0) for older version boards
Device_Address = 0x68 # MPU6050 device address
print (" Reading Data of Gyroscope and Accelerometer")
while True:
#Read Accelerometer raw value
acc_x = read_raw_data(ACCEL_XOUT_H)
acc_y = read_raw_data(ACCEL_YOUT_H)
acc_z = read_raw_data(ACCEL_ZOUT_H)
#Read Gyroscope raw value
gyro_x = read_raw_data(GYRO_XOUT_H)
gyro_y = read_raw_data(GYRO_YOUT_H)
gyro_z = read_raw_data(GYRO_ZOUT_H)
#Full scale range +/- 250 degree/C as per sensitivity scale factor
Ax = acc_x/16384.0
Ay = acc_y/16384.0
Az = acc_z/16384.0
Gx = gyro_x/131.0
Gy = gyro_y/131.0
Gz = gyro_z/131.0
print ("Gx=%.2f" %Gx, u'\u00b0'+ "/s", "\tGy=%.2f" %Gy, u'\u00b0'+ "/s", "\tGz=%.2f" %Gz, u'\u00b0'+ "/s", "\tAx=%.2f g" %Ax, "\tAy=%.2f g" %Ay, "\tAz=%.2f g" %Az)
Both sensors seem to work just fine with the script, but when running MEASURE_AXES_NOISE in klipper, the noise is an enormous value, upwards of 100,000. ACCELEROMETER_QUERY gives nonsensical values as well.
I noticed that after running either of the commands on klipper, the python script will not work (it will just keep “reading” the same values over and over), until I disconnect and reconnect the sensor from the RPi.
Any help would be appreciated.