I have been running Klipper with a toolhead that has two part cooling fans that both run off of the same signal. Therefore, when an M106 command is run, they both operate in parallel. I am experimenting with a new tool head that requires each part cooling fan (there are 2) to be controlled independently. I have the second part cooling fan controlled using a [fan_generic] section and I am able to manually control it using SET_FAN_SPEED command.
[fan_generic extruder1_partfan]
#controls right extruder part cooling fan
pin: PC23SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=extruder1_partfan SPEED=0.5
The problem is that extruder1_partfan doesnt respond to the M106/M107 commands which makes me question if I am doing this properly. Is it only the fan defined under the [fan] section that responds to M106/M107 commands? My thought was to redefine the M106/M107 commands with gcode macros that call SET_FAN_SPEED to control the other fan, but I am hoping there is a better option.
Am I way off here? Appreciate the thoughts!