Multiple Part Cooling Fans (M106/M107 controlled)

I have been running Klipper with a toolhead that has two part cooling fans that both run off of the same signal. Therefore, when an M106 command is run, they both operate in parallel. I am experimenting with a new tool head that requires each part cooling fan (there are 2) to be controlled independently. I have the second part cooling fan controlled using a [fan_generic] section and I am able to manually control it using SET_FAN_SPEED command.

[fan_generic extruder1_partfan]
#controls right extruder part cooling fan
pin: PC23

SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=extruder1_partfan SPEED=0.5

The problem is that extruder1_partfan doesnt respond to the M106/M107 commands which makes me question if I am doing this properly. Is it only the fan defined under the [fan] section that responds to M106/M107 commands? My thought was to redefine the M106/M107 commands with gcode macros that call SET_FAN_SPEED to control the other fan, but I am hoping there is a better option.

Am I way off here? Appreciate the thoughts!




Finally able to get back to this. I ended up just using the [multi_pin] feature to alias both part cooling fan pins in the [fan] section since both fans are on the same tool head. This worked as expected. One thing to note (that should probably be put in the documentation) is that the [multi_pin] section needs to be defined before the [fan] section. This may seem like common sense, but its good to be verbose to prevent confusion.

Thanks for the help!

So with this configuration, are you able to set different max_power or kick_start_time for the two fans?

I am looking to add a second fan for parts cooling, but its of different size and air volume than my primary fan, so I am going to want to trim its speed by decreasing the max_power so its pushing the same volume as the primary fan is.

Those parameters are defined in the respective fan sections so it should be respected by multi pin and M106.
Best is you test it with those tips and recommendations.