Basic Information:
Printer Model: anycubic 4max pro 2.0
MCU / Printerboard: TriGorilla v 0.0.2
Hello, I tried to build the firmware for my TriGorilla board which uses atmega2560 to switch to Klipper, but unfortunately the firmware never works, I cannot communicate with the printer from octoprint and when I tried to look at the serial output using putty it was all gibberish, I tried all baudrates and settings possible but no luck, tried to build firmware on different raspberry pi board got same result, used different raspberry image, did clean build, followed the instructions for the configuration multiple times erased the chip, burnned new boatloader and still no luck, I reverted back to my old Marlin build and it was working fine, any one faced simillar issue? can someone help by uploading his klipper.elf.hex for atmega2560?
Best Regards