Hi there!
I finished a build of a keops delta robot.
I was inspired by the issue #3216, there you can find relevant informations.
seems like I am not that good in pythagoras. Looking into the code, I see the next problem, because I am not a programmer. So if anybody will help me, klipper can maybe get a new kinematic
In addition I’ll upload a picture and the klippy.log
keops - klippy.log (160.4 KB)
Dennis H.
Definitely looks interesting. I’ve added keops kinematics to my list of things to look at, but that list is already very long. I can’t make any promises.
to be honest, I did not think someone would answer later, so I decided to deassemble the printer. (hardware parts are reserved for rebuild if the kinematic is testing)
But if someone wants to build and tinker on it , I will provide my openscad design here.
keops -openscad.txt (14.1 KB)