"No trigger on probe after full movement" only during mesh calibration

Hi all,

I’m having an odd issue with my Klipper converted Ender 3 Pro using an SKR Mini E3 V3 mainboard and BLTouch probe running the Mainsail front-end. The probe has never failed me in the past year it has been on my printer, however I recently tried to re-calibrate my bed mesh after manually leveling using the automated screw adjustment command. The mesh calibration has worked multiple times in the past.

Whenever I try to do a mesh calibration, the printer starts probing as it should but in the first couple of probes it will fail to deploy the probe. When I change the probing to use stow_on_each_sample=false and probe_with_touch_mode: true as a workaround the probe will fail to trigger a couple of probes into the mesh. The number of probes before a fail is not consistent but is always in the first 6 or so.

To troubleshoot this issue I’ve first updated all the firmware to the following versions, the latest according to Mainsail:

klipper v0.10.0-613-gebc3b0de
moonraker v0.7.1-747-g779997c
mainsail v2.3.1

Then I did a PROBE_ACCURACY test with 50 samples in the same corner of the bed that the mesh calibration starts (and fails) in. The accuracy test completed all probes without a single issue, which rules out a dodgy connection to the probe. In addition I’ve never had a problem when using the probe for homing Z.

Here is an extract from my config regarding the probe and mesh:

sensor_pin: ^PC14
control_pin: PA1
x_offset: -56
Y_offset: -17
speed: 1.0
lift_speed: 10
samples: 3
sample_retract_dist: 5.0
samples_tolerance: 0.050
stow_on_each_sample: false
probe_with_touch_mode: true

speed: 100
horizontal_move_z: 5.0
mesh_min: 10, 10
mesh_max: 179, 218
probe_count: 5, 6

I’ve attached my moonraker and klippy logs. Moonraker prints the following error, however I am not sure if this is the cause of the error or simply the firmware reporting the error back to moonraker:

2022-10-26 09:31:23,555 [websockets.py:build_error()] - JSON-RPC Request Error: 400
{'message': 'No trigger on probe after full movement', 'error': 'WebRequestError'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/klipper/moonraker/moonraker/websockets.py", line 253, in execute_method
    result = await callback(params)
  File "/home/klipper/moonraker/moonraker/websockets.py", line 349, in func
    result = await self.klippy.request(
  File "/home/klipper/moonraker/moonraker/klippy_connection.py", line 501, in request
    return await self._request_standard(web_request)
  File "/home/klipper/moonraker/moonraker/klippy_connection.py", line 556, in _request_standard
    return await base_request.wait()
  File "/home/klipper/moonraker/moonraker/klippy_connection.py", line 628, in wait
    raise self.response
utils.ServerError: {'message': 'No trigger on probe after full movement', 'error': 'WebRequestError'}

moonraker.log (9.2 KB)
klippy.log (119.6 KB)

Update: Turns out it probably is a faulty cable because the problem has now extended to the probe not working at all in one corner of the bed, no idea how the probe test passed multiple times before, I guess it was pure coincidence that for the first day it only showed during the mesh calibration.

I will mark the issue as solved for now.