Hi all,
I’m having an odd issue with my Klipper converted Ender 3 Pro using an SKR Mini E3 V3 mainboard and BLTouch probe running the Mainsail front-end. The probe has never failed me in the past year it has been on my printer, however I recently tried to re-calibrate my bed mesh after manually leveling using the automated screw adjustment command. The mesh calibration has worked multiple times in the past.
Whenever I try to do a mesh calibration, the printer starts probing as it should but in the first couple of probes it will fail to deploy the probe. When I change the probing to use stow_on_each_sample=false
and probe_with_touch_mode: true
as a workaround the probe will fail to trigger a couple of probes into the mesh. The number of probes before a fail is not consistent but is always in the first 6 or so.
To troubleshoot this issue I’ve first updated all the firmware to the following versions, the latest according to Mainsail:
klipper v0.10.0-613-gebc3b0de
moonraker v0.7.1-747-g779997c
mainsail v2.3.1
test with 50 samples in the same corner of the bed that the mesh calibration starts (and fails) in. The accuracy test completed all probes without a single issue, which rules out a dodgy connection to the probe. In addition I’ve never had a problem when using the probe for homing Z.
Here is an extract from my config regarding the probe and mesh:
sensor_pin: ^PC14
control_pin: PA1
x_offset: -56
Y_offset: -17
speed: 1.0
lift_speed: 10
samples: 3
sample_retract_dist: 5.0
samples_tolerance: 0.050
stow_on_each_sample: false
probe_with_touch_mode: true
speed: 100
horizontal_move_z: 5.0
mesh_min: 10, 10
mesh_max: 179, 218
probe_count: 5, 6
I’ve attached my moonraker and klippy logs. Moonraker prints the following error, however I am not sure if this is the cause of the error or simply the firmware reporting the error back to moonraker:
2022-10-26 09:31:23,555 [websockets.py:build_error()] - JSON-RPC Request Error: 400
{'message': 'No trigger on probe after full movement', 'error': 'WebRequestError'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/klipper/moonraker/moonraker/websockets.py", line 253, in execute_method
result = await callback(params)
File "/home/klipper/moonraker/moonraker/websockets.py", line 349, in func
result = await self.klippy.request(
File "/home/klipper/moonraker/moonraker/klippy_connection.py", line 501, in request
return await self._request_standard(web_request)
File "/home/klipper/moonraker/moonraker/klippy_connection.py", line 556, in _request_standard
return await base_request.wait()
File "/home/klipper/moonraker/moonraker/klippy_connection.py", line 628, in wait
raise self.response
utils.ServerError: {'message': 'No trigger on probe after full movement', 'error': 'WebRequestError'}
moonraker.log (9.2 KB)
klippy.log (119.6 KB)