No trigger on x

Basic Information:

Printer Model: creality v2
MCU / Printerboard:

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed

Describe your issue: no trigger on x after full movement

Hello @Jamiekay !


Where is the klippy.log?

Press the X endstop (hold it) and check if “QUERY_ENDSTOPS” reports X as triggered

Thank you for helping me, I have Creality 4.27
klippy.log.txt (101.2 KB)

Royce there wasn’t a response nor query update

With the motors powered off, please put your x-axis towards the X endstop, physically triggering it. After that issue a “QUERY_ENDSTOPS” in the console.
You should see an output similar to this:

Post a screenshot of the output here.

//screen shot no longer available

Not really.
In the bottom field (next to the SEND button), write QUERY_ENDSTOPS and click send.

Dont forget to physically press your endstop before doing that


End switch dead? Cable broken? End switch not plugged in in the mainboard? End switch plugged to the false plug on the Mainboard?

Not sure let me referr to the manual and I will post update

Endstop still triggered after retract

Means: After touching the endstop the first time, the axis goes back a little (in order to free the endstop switch) and then wants to trigger again, to be sure. If while retracting the signals stays “triggered”, thsi error occurs.

Possible solutions:

  1. End stop switch is blocked or has an electrical issue. Ender used standard mechanical endstop? Did you checked it as sineos said?
  2. End stop switch never worked (if you start homing with endstop reached). Check kabel and so on. Your message above means: X and Y are working and Z is failing?

maybe this helps:

I’ll put a new endstop on X and get back to you

X endstop replaced
[image deleted]

[image deleted]

OK. so can you now trigger all endstops? And Klipper shows the correct state? Is this true?

Yes I can trigger all endstops.
Klipper shows correct state
I should add that klipper is un aware of the recently added Sprite 300 c Combo

This is just a “better” hotend? Should not be a problem.

The problem is still “No Trigger on X after full movement”? If you home X, does the printer really goes to the endstop and hits the swich? If this error is occuring, the Printhead stays on all endstops? Can you try to press the endstop in this situation (with a screwdriver or similar) to see/feal/hear if the the switch “klicks”? Might be, that the axis moves to “almost” the end position…

Let’s speed up and change course