Octopus Pro/Klipper conversion almost there!

Tronxy X5SA Bones
Octopus Pro 1.0 (STM32F429)/TMC 2209
Orbiter 2 clone LDO extruder OK36STH17-104A-!0C motor
Mainsail OS, Moonraker, pi-cam, pi 4B, 3D Touch

I am a month into my conversion of my Tronxy X5SA to Klipper with an Octopus Pro 1.0 board.
I have a HERO 7 hotend with orbiter 2 and E3Dwith Ceramic heater.
I have also added a sync belt to my Z steppers to keep them together.

Wiring is done, hotend / bed heat and report, but I am stuck on getting home to work with z stops via probe center bed.

Issue 1) My current configuration homes the x and y, and starts to home the z but my probe placement is outside of the bed. Manually triggering the 3d touch works and stops. When it finishes it claims it is at 165/165 which should be center of the bed (330x330) but it is actually at x max and y 10…

I grab a shot of the dashboard showing that the printer thinks it is at 165, 165… ???

Log attached.

SOLVED: for CoreXY have to double rotation distance to 80. Everything is working. on the homing, leveling and mesh.

klippy021824.zip (17.0 KB)

I can’t watch that video.
Good luck, hcet14

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