Tronxy-400-pro printer frame, bpi5, klipper-mainsail on octopus-pro

Something going on here, my description was suddenly erased. WTF? I finally got the new stuff mounted to the printers frame, but with a different bpi5, so the first thing after I got power wired, was run kiauh to install it all. Couple questions to get it where it runs, as its erroring out when looking at bpi53:80 with firefox. So can I just fudge up pid settings for bed temp by copying that from my working Two Tree SP-5? No motors are wired yet and I need to get it running well enough to exercise signals with stepper_buzz so I can identify them on my o-scope. Thanks, Gene

Making progress, got klipper running, complaining but running, then I ran out of hilitchi’s litle green 24 gauge pin ends while wiring up the hotend’s umbilical. 2 more days wasted waiting on Amazon. ?? Syntax for an include line is [include /full/path/to/file] even if mainsail.cfg is in the same directory ?? kiauh installs stuff in different places than klippers install does. Hides the files compared to klippers way… Cheers, Gene