One second pause during probing

Basic Information:

Printer Model: 2.4V2 350
MCU / Printerboard: Octopus

I have seen that during the probing (seldom but I have seen it multiple times) the toolhead stops at the lower position (probe triggered) for a second, before moving up and continuing the probing. I have the inductive Omron probe, though I have seen it on the klicky probe setup as well ( I had klicky, removed it after testing as not seeing any benefit).

I am suspecting that the Raspberry Pi is some sort of busy and does not react to the trigger, on the other side if this would be the case the toolhead would have crashed into the bed.

Is there any other explanation for this pause?

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Can you please share the klippy.log as is asked for?

Both of my printers exhibit similar behaviour, where at seemingly random times the motion stops briefly either when reaching an axis stop (X, Y, Z endstop), or when triggering the bed probe (inductive on my Voron and a BL Touch on my Creality). I first really noticed it on the Voron, mostly due to the insane number of homing and probing I experimented with, but once I became aware of it I also noticed it on my Creality as well.

I asked a few other people running Klipper and they confirmed similar behaviour on their printers. Coincidentally, these pauses do not have any impact on the end-stop or probing accuracy. A while ago I came across an old post from @koconnor explaining that homing and probing can be subject to some delays due to the implementation, but I am not sure if these can be on the order of a second. Perhaps Kevin can comment if he is not drowning in other stuff…

I also do not have the feeling that it has an influence on the probing accuracy or on the security against physical crashes.

I initially has a PI3 and switched to a PI4/4GB, thinking it might be the load that produces this behavior.
On the PI I also have docker running the Duplicati container. Although Debian is not a real-time OS, such a noticeable pause is not explainable. Looking at the videos running beacon bed mesh probing at 2000 mm/s there must be some room before hitting the processing limits.

What might be the case is that the end stop and probe triggering (triggered → stop the motors) is managed by the controller board part of Klipper and not the PI part.

klippy (7).log (725.8 KB)

I did not see any evidence in the log.

Me too because the probing does not appear in this log.

What kind of probe do you use?

klippy (8).log (7.9 MB)

This one should contain probing, and another problem I had twice: “lost connection to MCU”

I am using the inductive Omron standard probe, but I had the klicky installed and had the same behavior.

There are some of these in the log:

Probe samples exceed tolerance. Retrying...

You have a quite low tolerance value for the probing of 0.009. It’s hard for the mechanics and accuracy of the probe to stick to that value.

You may increase it a bit to 0.0125.

I know, I had opened earlier another thread about it. this is also the reason why I temporarily switched from inductive to klicky and back to inductive when I’ve seen that the klicky had also the same issues with exceeding the tolerances. Meanwhile, I ordered the GE5C mod parts, as the problem seems not to be the probe, but the gantry (maybe?), including having too many QGL rounds.

Definitely, I will right now set your recommended 0.0125 value. Thanks

The 1s pause this does explain, does it?

Does TAP allow higher accuracy or are tolerances of other printer parts the reason this?

Every kind of probe comes with a certain accuracy and repeatability.

More on this here:

and here:

Also the hardware is underlaying some inaccuracies, mainly in the moving parts: a tiny bit sloppiness in the threaded rod and the nut and the stepper motors.
You can eliminate them but only with high end stuff for a high end price.

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Do you say that 0.0125 is good enough?
I have set this value and now ran 3x QGL without any tolerance issues. Before I had multiple on each QGL.

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I use that value with no issues.

You also may try 0.01.

I made these tests in a cold environment.
I now started a print job and I see again the issue of “Probe samples exceed tolerance. Retrying…”
The QGL is done after the bed is heated up to 110°C.

I’ve also observed this with more recent versions of Klipper. It’s very occasional. Bed meshes, with having the most probe points, often has one pause in the “activated” down position or sometimes two. Very rarely I’ve seen this during Z_TILT_ADJUST too.

Trident 300 with TAP

I can’t provide a log until I have time to sort out a different problem that appeared most recently but once I have that solved I can run some bed meshes until I spot the issue happen and capture a copy of klippy.log.

My Voron2 also occasionally (likely once every 50 probe attempts) has a brief pause after a probe. I have not tracked down why. I have not seen anything adverse from the pause.


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It started over a year ago, all my printers exhibit the behavior. Haven’t seen any adverse effects from it either. Curious what it is though.

@miklschmidt , @koconnor , @numindast
are you running 64-bit Pi OS?

I have observed the behavior on both 32-bit and 64-bit and both pi 3’s and 4’s. Doesn’t seem to make a difference.