Pi can't find Ender 3 with Klipper firmware

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3
MCU / Printerboard: SKR Mini V2
klippy.log (12.5 KB)

Describe your issue:

Today I tried to switch from Marlin with Octoprint to Klipper with Fluidd.
My setup is a Ender 3 with a BTT SKR Mini V2 board and a BTT TFT35 E3 V3.0 display.

First I flashed the latest RaspberryOS Lite Bullseye to a Raspberry 3 B+. I then installed KIAUH with the installer script. Afterward I installed klipper, moonraker and fluidd. According to KIAUH these are the installed versions:

| Klipper & API:         |---------------|--------------|
|  1) [Klipper]          | v0.12.0-102   | v0.12.0-102  |
|  2) [Moonraker]        | v0.8.0-310    | v0.8.0-310   |
|                        |               |              |
| Klipper Webinterface:  |---------------|--------------|
|  3) [Mainsail]         |               | v2.9.1       |
|  4) [Fluidd]           | v1.27.1       | v1.27.1      |

After that I entered the klipper subfolder and run make menuconfig.
According to the instruction in the config folder of the Klipper repo, I set the parameters there like this:

I then used the make command to create a firmware. I then downloaded the firmware via SCP from the Pi and renamed it to firmware.bin. I then put the file on a SD card and the card into the printer. Started the printer up, the printer can now no longer connect to the display. I also checked the SD card afterwards and there was a FIRMWARE.cur file with the correct file size and timestamp.

I then plugged the printer into the Pi and rebooted both.

The issue now is, that the Pi does not seem to recognize the printer. I tried switching the cable and even switched the Pi for another one.
But every time I run ls /dev/serial/by-id I get this error:

ls: cannot access '/dev/serial/by-id': No such file or directory

I also tried to run sudo dmesg after plugin it in, but no new event was displayed there.

I then found this thread:

But the version that was installed was deb11u4 instead of deb11u2. I run the solution anyway and now have 252.5-2~bpo11+1 installed. But still the same issue.

I’m now out of ideas what I can try. I already tried to flash the firmware again but nothing changed. Can somebody maybe give me some hints, what I can try next? Thanks!

Have a look at line 251 in your klippy.log

serial = /dev/serial/by-id/<your-mcu-id>

That will never work – the mcu serial port has to be set to a real device.

So if ls /dev/serial/by-id doesn’t show anything, is there any device listed under /dev/serial? Or is there a serial device in your /dev directory?

Try this: Unplug the printer USB and run this in bash on the Pi:

sudo dmesg -w

Plug in the USB and see if any messages show up. If you don’t see anything, you might have a bad cable, bad controller board or something else.

But you should see some useful information about the device, which must go into your printer.cfg [mcu] section

Edit: FYI, I just went through the same conversion recently on 2 Ender 3 Pros… Marlin → Klipper. The serial connection also gave me the most problems

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