Please check possible error/feature

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Printer Model: Voron24
MCU / Printerboard: Octopus 1.1
klippy.log none

Describe your issue:

May it be possible, that if you have some germen “Umlaute” (äöü) in the filename, klipper crahes? See example below:

11:00:38 // Klipper state: Ready
11:00:42 $ G28
11:01:16 $ SDCARD_PRINT_FILE FILENAME=“ADXL_Afterburner_Meshed_kürzere_Nase.gcode”
11:01:16 // Klipper state: Shutdown
11:01:16 !! Internal error on command:“SDCARD_PRINT_FILE”

If I change “kürzere” to “kurzere” it prints, else it crashes with the above error message.

Question: Should this be somehow fixed or is this just a “language thing”?

Any comments welcome. Could somebody please check, if he/she/it has the same behaviour?


python2 cant handle öäüß and so on. remove the char in the filename.
if you upgrade the virtual python environment klippy-env to python3 and adjust some lines of code it is no longer a problem

OK, there are no " in the original text. And my workaround worked: replacing ü by u solved the problem… So there seems to be an issue with the ü but maybe by linux itself?

if you want to give python3 a try, here is a short howto:

1. stop current klipper service
sudo service klipper stop

2. modify klipper.service ( we will create a own python3 venv )
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/klipper.service

and create a new ExecStart entry for the python3 and comment out the old one ( its easier to have it there for switching forth and back )

ctrl + x → save and exit

3. reload daemon
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

4. change to /home/pi directory and create python3 venv

cd /home/pi
virtualenv -p python3 klippy-env3
cd klippy-env3
bin/pip3 install -r ../klipper/scripts/klippy-requirements.txt

5. start klipper service again
sudo service klipper start

6. check if service is running
sudo service klipper status

If you want to go back to python2, stop klipper service ( sudo service klipper stop ), comment out the new ExecStart entry ( klippy-env3 ) in /etc/systemd/system/klipper.service and uncomment the old entry ( klippy-env ). save and exit and reload the daemon: sudo systemctl daemon-reload and start klipper again sudo service klipper start

do the same for the moonraker service

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The special char bug is known: Internal error on command:"SDCARD_PRINT_FILE" · Issue #4794 · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub

You can try Python 3, just note that you might run into different issues as it is not yet officially supported.

OK Thanks. I think i will try the cura moonraker plugin export translate filename function first. It’s not a big issue, but Fusion always exports bodies as “Körper” and sometime I forget to replace. Should be doable in the 21st century with the special chars… :wink: