Print from USB with Klipper Screen or Raspberry Pi USB port

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom
MCU / Printerboard:Octopus Pro V1.1
Host / SBC: Mainsail
klippy (2).log (7.3 MB)
printer.cfg (12.2 KB)

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there

Describe your issue:

Usually we upload the print from Mainsail web interface, Now I also want stand alone USB stick printing mode, I have installed Klipper screen as well, Now I want to print direct from USB, My Question is how i can access Pi USB port or Octopus SD card in Klipper screen to shoot print directely from USB or SD card instead of uploading print from Mainsail Web User interface.

Help to to do that.

There are surely more than one way to do it.

One approach would be:

  1. Create some folder in your printer_data/gcodes, e.g. my_cool_pen_drive
  2. Create a /etc/fstab entry that mounts your special pen drive by UUID, e.g. something like:
UUID="xxxx-xxxx" /home/WHATEVER/printer_data/gcodes/my_cool_pen_drive   ext4    defaults,user,auto  0   1
  • The folder will be empty when no pen drive is connected
  • It will show the content of the drive when connected
  • It will only work with the specific pen drive for which you set the UUID
  • You can add multiple entries for drives with different UUIDs

Another approach assumes Klipper is running on a host distribution that automounts removable media/mass storage devices. In many cases the mount point will be /mount/<USERNAME>/<VOLUME LABEL>

You could then symlink /mount/<USERNAME>/ to somewhere like ~/printer_data/gcodes/USB/, and then within Mainsail, your gcodes list would have a Folder called “USB,” which would be empty if you have no USB drive inserted, and which would have another folder with the USB volume name if you do have a drive inserted. Then you can go into that folder to see a list of the gcode files on the USB drive.

That said, I believe Mainsail does some degree of gcode file processing when a file is uploaded, so I’m not entirely sure what would happen if you “manually” placed a gcode file into its storage directory like that.

Thanks for the reply,

Actually I am very new to Linux, it will be very helpful if I could get any video tutorial of step by step process.

On each Linux topic, there is an abundance of guides and tutorials. Please use a search engine to come up with something that suits you.

If I able to access octopus board memory card file access using Klipper screen that will also work best for me. Right now if I mount SD card on Octopus pro board memory card slot, it not showing on klipper screen.

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