KlipperScreen configuration on OctoKlipperPi: Unable to connect MCU Error

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom
MCU / Printerboard: Octopus Pro
Host / SBC : Octoprint

Describe your issue:

I was succesfully operating my printer using Octoklipper.
As i also want to use Klipper Screen I have installed it using this link :KlipperScreen configuration on OctoKlipperPi - #2 by Ewald_Ikemann - General - OctoPrint Community Forum
But after installation I am getting this error on Screen

Please also install Mainsai or Fluid via KIAUH so that you can get access to the klippy.log and the moonraker.log

Could you please shorten the topic?

I tried to install and got this

Please Find my Klipper Log
Klipper.log (59.6 KB)

Can anyone tell me how to locate tmp/printer in serial connection in octoklipper. Anyhow i am able to connect my screen klipper screen with 3D Printer but Octoprint is still not connecting

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When you have Moonraker installed, then OctoPrint has to connect to /home/pi/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial

You have to fill it into Additional serial ports.

Klipperscreen connects to Moonraker via API.

Thanks a lot.It’s Working Now.I have also changed the path of printer.cfg which is in printer_data/config and also changed the klippy.log path which is in printer_data/logs/klippy.log

One more thing I want to ask as I am shooting my print from Octopi and uploaded file on Octoprint virtual sd itself.
I am not able to see the print screen on Klipper Screen.Is there any way for this?/

No, you can’t see things that run on OctoPrint on Klipperscreen.

You may look here how it is organized:

Thank you for your support.
I have one more query regarding autoshutdown the 3d printer after print completion.
I want my 3D Printer to get shutdown after completing print.Is it possible on Octoklipper without using any hardware.

If we are not able to see the things.Then how we can upload print via klipper screen.How to enable external sd card.

No. Neither OctoPrint nor Klipper/Moonraker can do that without some hardware that disconnects the printer form the mains.

If you decide to wor with OctoPrint, you should use OctoScreen instead of Klipperscreen.

You mean that one in the printer?

I mean by some mean with USB on Raspberry pi or KLipperscreen or Mother Board SD Card.

This SD in right side which used for external storage on Motherborad not virtual one in raspberry pi
Because whenever I tried to upload it shows SD Write not supported

As I said before: Using OctoPrint and Klipperscreen the same time makes no sense. In some parts they use different resources.

I recommend either the use of only Klipperscreen (with maybe additional Mainsail) or just OctoPrint and then with OctoScreen.

The infrastructure is too different.

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