Can anyone tell me how to locate tmp/printer in serial connection in octoklipper. Anyhow i am able to connect my screen klipper screen with 3D Printer but Octoprint is still not connecting
Thanks a lot.It’s Working Now.I have also changed the path of printer.cfg which is in printer_data/config and also changed the klippy.log path which is in printer_data/logs/klippy.log
One more thing I want to ask as I am shooting my print from Octopi and uploaded file on Octoprint virtual sd itself.
I am not able to see the print screen on Klipper Screen.Is there any way for this?/
Thank you for your support.
I have one more query regarding autoshutdown the 3d printer after print completion.
I want my 3D Printer to get shutdown after completing print.Is it possible on Octoklipper without using any hardware.
This SD in right side which used for external storage on Motherborad not virtual one in raspberry pi
Because whenever I tried to upload it shows SD Write not supported