Unable to connect to MCU Octoprint

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Version 1.9.3, Voron 1, Chrome, MacOs
Build 2023.10.09.151442 with “webcamd”, based on OctoPi 1.0.0, running on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5
MCU / Printerboard: BIGTREETECH SKR Pico V1.0 Controller
Host / SBC: rpi 4 model b
octoprint-systeminfo-20240422160124.zip (12.5 KB)

Describe your issue:

mcu ‘mcu’: Unable to connect
Klipper state: Not ready

Hello @Starfish !

Please attach the klippy.log to your next post.

Also read this:

You connect OctoPrint to Klipper by using /temp/printer
Klipper connects to the printer with with a certain USB serial that has to be found.


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