Despite following the guide on the Klipper docs perfectly, it is unable to connect to my printer

Basic Information:

Printer Model: First-gen Creality Ender 3
MCU / Printerboard: SKR Mini E3 v3.0
Klipper log is empty.

Describe your issue:

I am trying to set up an Octoprint server with Octoklipper. However, when I click ‘connect’ in the OctoKlipper widget, it does literally nothing. No terminal output, no error, no popups, it is a dead button. Klipper’s status is on “Klipper: Standby” as well.

I used KIAUH to install Octoprint and Klipper. Then, I installed the OctoKlipper plugin through the plugin manager.

My steps for setting up Klipper as follows:

  1. cd’d into the Klipper directory.
  2. ran “make menuconfig” to enter the Klipper config menu.
  3. Set the specs for my board as according to their Github: STM32, STM32G0B1 (verified this is the right chip on my board), 8KiB, 8MHz, USB…
  4. I quit and then copied the klipper.bin file to my sd card and renamed it to firmware.bin.
  5. Flashed it to my board and verified it worked by checking for a CUR file.
  6. Copied and pasted my board’s cfg data into the OctoKlipper editor (as well as created a printer.cfg file in the Klipper config directory with those values)
  7. Ran “ls /dev/serial/by-id/*”, obtained my serial port info, and input it into the editor under mcu.
  8. Went into my Octoprint settings, added /tmp/printer to my serial ports. Set Serial Port to AUTO (since it would not let me select /tmp/printer), and set Cancel any ongoing prints in behaviour.

I actually did these steps twice. Once installing Klipper from KIAUH, and the second time doing it manually from the Github. Right now, I am getting no terminal output and cannot even send terminal commands. And Klipper is on standby.

Here is my config file for reference:

Is there some obscure step I am missing here or some way to get this working?


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Hello @cray12399 !

Did you restart Klipper after editing the printer.cfg ?


Yes, I have restarted Octoprint and Klipper countless times at this point. Also, despite klippy.log being empty (?), I was able to get logs by temporarily installing Fluidd and pulling the log there. Forum wont let me upload, so here is a pastebin:

Sorry, I can’t pastebin.

You can upload the file (not the contents) here.


You can! Just klick on the link cray12399 posted :wink:

If you click the link, it should show the contents of the file.

I tried uploading it using the upload button, but it kept giving me an error.

@cray12399: May I propose that you read the klippy.log and the error message and compare it with your configuration (which is also printed in the log).
I dare to forecast that the error is pretty obvious.


My configuration file mcu section reads as:

serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_32003B000B504B5735313920-if00

Might be a Fluidd config specific error since I created that log in Fluidd because Octo couldn’t produce logs.

OctoPrint creates the systeminfo bundle.

But are you running on OctoPrint or Fluidd??

In the Klipper world, there is only one truth: The klippy.log
From this you can get following information:

  • /home/pi/printer_data/config/printer.cfg is your current relevant config file. Make sure you edit the right one
  • /home/pi/printer_data/logs/klippy.log is the place of your log file

In addition you will find the complete configuration as Klipper has parsed it and some detailed error messages as shown in the screenshot above.

Octoprint or Fluidd are just web-interfaces and do not change this system.

Oh okay, I didn’t know those were logs. My bad. I will try to link the Sysinfo Bundle here:

(Uploads still not working sorry, so here is a drive link to Sysinfo.)

I am running Octoprint, but I temporarily installed Fluidd to see if perhaps it was an Octoprint exclusive issue. Fluidd is also having issues.

Hmm I see. I just became familiarized with Klipper and Octoprint less than a week ago, so I am still wrapping my head around all of this.

So, the logs between the two are the same then. I wonder why it is trying to connect to /dev/serial/by-id/<your-mcu-id> then. I have verified that my printer.cfg file AND the OK editor both have the serial set as the value I received from ls /dev/serial/by-id/*

printer.cfg is also saved in ~/klipper/config if that is the proper location.

Uhm, not really, right?

And please avoid pulling the plug of the Pi to restart it.
This can lead to a corrupted file system on the Pi’s SD card.

Alright, I edited the cfg one in printer_data and it still has not fixed the issue. The klippy.log is also showing the same error as in your comment above.


While the connect button still does nothing, it appears that there is an octoprint menu on my printer’s screen now. So, I guess that is some progress at least.

I may have come across another clue as to what is going on! I was inspecting the connect button in my browser and it is producing this error:

POST [HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST 47ms]

Network issue between my client PC and the Octoprint api when pressing the connect button?

@cray12399 did you end up solving trhe issue?
I’ve goty a similar problem and this thread has been pretty similar to what I’ve been dealing with.


Don’t you think opening a new thread with data that can help solve a problem would be better than zombiefying a nine month old thread?

If if your problem seems to be pretty similar, the reason can be quite different.


I would open a new thread.
Attaching “klippy.log” is the most important task for you to fulfill!

Good luck, hcet14

Fill out

Basic Information:

Printer Model:
MCU / Printerboard:

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there