Printer shuts down mid print

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron Switchwire
MCU / Printerboard: BTT SKR Mini E3 V3

I have just recently experienced this issue. My printer will just shut down after 5-10min into a print. I don’t really know how to read the logs. I did notice there are a ton of “Neo pixels failed”. Attached is 2 klippy logs.

klippy.log (1.7 MB)
klippy2.log (4.0 MB)

from your logs:

Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
Transition to shutdown state: Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
See the ‘verify_heater’ section in docs/
for the parameters that control this check.

Thanks. I will check it out. Any ideas on the Neo Pixel status?

Your log did contain some dumped communication log which did contain neopixel calls - as i can see in 99% of time response indicated failure, I did peak at MCU code responsible for that and seems your board is very busy with other tasks and neopixel code can’t form correct timing of impulses to drive them and fail.
Failure section of code have this comment "// A hardware irq messed up the transmission - report a failure"

It seems something is interfering in MCU with neopixel code execution, and as i can see your configuration contains many peripherals like LCD, TMC steppers, etc… - each of it is loading your MCU with tasks.

I can’t suggest some simple solution, but if you wish to play with it and find some answer - you can try to disable some peripherals, reduce number of pixels, do other stuff and check if neopixel starts working properly.

As concrete solution - most probably you need to introduce additional MCU for neopixel (additional hardware MCU) which will be responsible just for neopixel.

Thanks for looking into this. Could you please tell me what you found thats eating up my MCU? I was running the Neo Pixels at a pretty high rate. What else?

Well judging by Stats you don’t have huge load on MCU, it’s around 0.15
That issue with NeoPixels can be from any subsystem which require interrupts, definetly TMC communication also increasing interrupt rate, or firmware implementation for you board really changed in a such way that it’s constantly firing Interrupts and NeoPixels don’t have time.

Ok.I would like to move the NeoPixels to the PI. But don’t know how I would control them like I have.

Didn’t understand your statement, if you move them to PI pins you can control them same way as previously.

So how do I use my custom Gcode? How do I set the control pin for the Pi?

Same way as you are referencing pins in your config for fan

[fan_generic Nevermore_Fan]
pin = host: gpio3

I don’t know if your RPi will be able to handle the load - but you can try.

When i was writing about additional HW MCU

I was point to add additional controller like some Arduino, then flash there Klipper firmware and hook it as additional MCU to klipper.

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Ok. Finally got playing around with it.
[fan_generic Nevermore_Fan]
pin: host:gpio76 # uses pin 13 on gpiochip0
##pin: host: pwmchip0/pwm0
cycle_time: 0.00004 #0.01
hardware_pwm: False
max_power: 1.0
kick_start_time: 0.5
off_below: 0.10

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Without it, spaces and special characters get lost and the code is of no use.

So as i undestand your Nevermore_Fan was pushing too much/low air and your heater couldn’t stabilize - so you tweaked FAN parameters ?

No. That was a separate thing. Discovered that one of my thermistor wires came unplugged from the printer board. The nevermore was a test of how I can use the PI for controlling the neopixels.

Oh, now i understand, so did you succeed to use PI for Neopixels ?