Printer Stops Randomly Mid-Print

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Artillery Sidewinder X2
MCU / Printerboard: Artillery Ruby
klippy.log (2.8 MB)

Describe your issue:

I have a Artilley Sidewinder X2 that I have installed and have run Klipper on for the better part of a year now, with very few issues. Seemingly out of nowhere I started experiencing connectivity issues so I re-installed Klipper onto my RPI 3 B+. but now I can seem to get through a simple 4 hour print without it just fully not responding and freezing with my klipperscreen being unresponsive as well.

At this point, I’ve reformatted the RPI and have reinstalled Klipper upwards of 5 times now, but it’s still doing the same thing. Does anyone have any ideas or insights that might help me?

NOTE: I followed Ethereal Project 3D’s tutorial on how to install Klipper onto a Sidewinder X2.

I’'ve posted this same question to Reddit before posting here:

welcome! bemvindo :wink:
some suggestions

apos reler tente diminuir a velocidade da impressora o klipper trava quando o stepper não aquenta, a demanda em determinado ponto pode ser demasiada para o hardware, tente 150 ou 200, faça testes para determinar max_velocity and max_accel, isso já aconteceu comigo. :slight_smile:

kinematics = cartesian
max_velocity = 200 #300
max_accel = 2000
max_z_velocity = 50
max_z_accel = 400
square_corner_velocity = 5.0

try another communication cable, I’m not sure how you connected PBpi3 to the printer controller, check if the cable passes through any electronics that could cause electrical noise, check for oxidation on the cable terminals

me conta mais sobre. vi no post de reedit falando sobre o cartão de memoria talvez possa ser erro no raspberry sobreaquecimento os negativos estão interligados ? a fonte da raspberry tá esquentando? posta umas fotos das ligações, tive problemas com cabos dupoint
foi fatiado no prusa slicer?
Ă© somente com esse arquivo ?

Please keep the conversation in English!


So a little update:

  • I’ve have bought a 5.1V Raspberry PI power supply for my 3B+, still is stopping randomly.
  • I bought a new USB A-B cable, and replaced the old one connecting my printer to my Pi, still is stopping randomly.

Here is a newer klippy from the last time it stopped randomly during a short print (1 hour and 18 minutes)
klippy.log (1.5 MB)

Once again, any help is welcomed.

Lost communication with MCU 'mcu'

Did you try

Good luck, hcet14

try setting the lowest speed, here I had this error when the printer requested more than it could, it mentions motor power, motor type power voltage etc…
try speed 150 or less
max_velocity = 150
do a test to determine maximum speed

Have you checked the stability of the USB connectors o the boards?

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