Problem with finding cause MCU shutdown Timer too close

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Heavy modified Creality CR-10S
MCU / Printerboard: BTT SKR 1.4 / Raspberry Pi 4 8Gb (MainsailOS 1.2.1 image)
klippy.log (420.0 KB)

Describe your issue:

Hello few months ago I modify my CR-10s to work with a Klipper after initial struggle it work perfectly. But recently it start to fail at some prints, especially a long ones. And it is happening few hours into print.

This often indicates the host computer is overloaded. Check
for other processes consuming excessive CPU time, high swap
usage, disk errors, overheating, unstable voltage, or
similar system problems on the host computer.

In following message there is suggestion to check:

  • CPU usages it seams in do not go over 25% on indicator in Mainsail,
  • Swap is not used there is 8GB of RAM and it typically uses less than 1GB,
  • disk errors I scan microSD card with badblock command but with no luck,
  • I do not think it is overheating the electronic box has it’s fan and Mainsail dashboard reports no more that 50°C,
  • it seams that it also is not cause by under-voltage vcgencmd get_throttled is reporting everything is OK throttled=0x0,

And it seems that I am out of ideas what to check next.
If it is possible to infer what may be cause from klippy log file.
Unfortunately I am not fluent with interpretation of this log file.

In attached log file, I removed Stats lines to reduce size form 38MB to 500kB but I left those close to error.

I will be very grateful for suggestions what cause it may be.

Hello @raminus !

For further information on Timer too close you may read this:

I did try to analyze your log …
From my point of view you did get that error because your system did experience communication issues.

In your log I did fond 2 instances of that error:

Instance 1:
Analyze lines #994 - #1002
Your Stats showing that bytes_retransmit suddenly start growing, previously it was constant, also there is a sudden huge jump of retransmit_seq
So in last 7 second before you get that error bytes_retransmit grew from 1577 to 7121, and retransmit_seq grew from 64449 to 2345363. In this period your sysload was around 1.07 and memavail was more than 7Gb
During this time we see that MCU was sending data to klipper successfully (data are present in dumped receive queue)

Instance 2 indicate same story:
Analyze lines #4030 - #4038
In last 8 second before you get that error bytes_retransmit grew from 0 to 7446, and retransmit_seq grew from 0 to 910329. In this period your sysload was around 0.25 and memavail was more than 7Gb.
During this time we see that MCU was sending data to klipper successfully (data are present in dumped receive queue)

So CPU and Memory is not guilty, something was interfering with sending data to MCU.

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