Problems during extrusion - fresh klipper 0.12

Basic Information:

Printer Model: BLV Cube custom corexy
MCU / Printerboard: SKR PRO 1.0
klippy.log (4).txt (415.8 KB)

I’ve installed a new fresh Linux Sparky 7 and Klipper through Kiauh on a thin client , 4 Gb RAM AMD dual core 2.2 Ghz.
Before I had no-Gui Sparky Linux and Klipper 0.11.x on a USB dongle on the thin client and printer was ok , but at the last it suffered from disconneting during prints … probably the USB dongle started to have problems …

With this new installation I’m not having diconnecting problems anymore but I can’t print in a good way … it under-extrude or over extrude randomly, every layer …
It starts printing fine brim … than after few layers of the test cube , it starts having problems

I can’t find any error on Log …

Can someone help ?

klippy.log (5).zip (192.9 KB)

Made other tries … I noticed that printer missed the direction of filament extrusion when doing intro line at the start of the new print … it should have printed a 0.3 layer line of 10 cm … but I saw that the filament retracted at least 2 cm … (I have runout close to hotend and it moved back !)
So it looks like some extrusions commands are missed or wrong direction … Enable/Direction pin problems on Motherboard/MCU or driver ?

I want to be sure if klipper host / thin client can be involved or not … just to limit the perimeter …

To me it look like hardware issue with your extruder, possible options are:
Extruder skipping
Filament drive gear clogged
Filament struggling on input
Nozzle partial blockage (some dirt can’t pass nozzle orifice)
Extruder stepper driver issues
etc …

P.S. Klipper design is build in a such a way that it can’t lose some command or execute it partially, In 99.9% klipper directly can’t create such inconsistences in print results. Yes you can create some weird configuration but then you would see issues everywhere and they will be constantly present in each layer.
It would be possible to blame TMC configuration - but as I understand you are using same config which previously was working flawlessly, So most probable cause is something related to Extruder hardware.

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Our extruder is orbiter from Trianglelabs, we can’t see any skipping or clicking or any clog … filament melts down very easy and purge with no friction if pushed by hand …

Yesterday we switched E on X port (TMC) and switched PINS on Klipper config E to X and TMC Pin UART too … so basically now ex X TMC / socket is on Extruder and Extruder is on ex X driver/socket … We did 4/5 cube tests and it did not show any problem … We expected problems on X movements if it was TMC/socket related or still E problems if it was hardware Extruder related …
We 'll use a bigger print today to test it more deeply …

I agree with @gaolst.

Another reason might be your settings for the z-axis:

max_z_velocity = 35
max_z_accel = 15

If the printer is using lead-screws for this axis then this might be the reason.

@Sineos are they too slow ? But they were set in this way from the beginning …

In fact, way too fast. Lead-screws are allergic to high speed and it may explain your strange looking layer stacking.


max_z_velocity = 8
max_z_accel = 120

After swithing X with E (and firmware switching too) , it printed very good without any problems…

So what could it be ?

Wire/socket ? Board (but X is a stressed socket/driver too , like E is ) … ?

Good question. Maybe just an unreliable connection.

In any case I would change your Z accel and velocity settings. For lead-screws these are not healthy. And the very low accel setting is rather detrimental to print quality, whereas the velocity plays a minor role on Z.

I’d go with velocities definitively below 20 and accel below 150.

Now , it has another problem. Extrusion is ok, but klipper or Moonraker often hangs during printing.

From Moonraker logs it seems it can’t find network interface …
wifi usb dongle sometimes disconnects, but it always reconnected in the past… now mainsail goes down and it can’t connect anymore to printing process… even if the printer continues to print with no problem… But it’s not possible to control or change any parameter when this problem occurs…

Can someone help ? Sparky Linux 7 installed on thin client, klipper 0.12.x last update
moonraker.log (34.1 KB)

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