Raspberry PI cam v2 NO SIGNAL

Basic Information: Pi 3A+ and Pi camera V2

Printer Model: Ender3 s1 pro
MCU / Printerboard: stm32f401
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: INFO: Print Configfile: ‘/home/pi/printer_data/config/crowsnest.conf’
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: [crowsnest]
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: log_path: /home/pi/printer_data/logs/crowsnest.log
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: log_level: verbose
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: delete_log: false
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: no_proxy: false
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest:
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: [cam 1]
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: mode: mjpg
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: port: 8080
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: device: /dev/video0
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: resolution: 640x480
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: max_fps: 15
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: INFO: Detect available Devices
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: INFO: Found 1 total available Device(s)
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: Detected ‘libcamera’ device → /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10
[08/18/23 18:16:13] crowsnest: Try to start configured Cams / Services…
[08/18/23 18:16:16] crowsnest: INFO: Configuration of Section [cam 1] looks good. Continue …
[08/18/23 18:16:16] crowsnest: V4L2 Control: No parameters set for [cam 1]. Skipped.
[08/18/23 18:16:18] crowsnest: Starting ustreamer with Device /dev/video0 …

Hello, I just instal PI camera module and it shows NO SIGNAL and fps. How can I make it work?


Try looking at the Crowsnest configuration page. I had to update to v4 to make mine work. Looking there is a real good place to start. All my webcam settings were right as well, it just needed an update in my case. See if updating is possible, and if so update it to start.

Happy Printing,

My crowsnest is v4.0.3-0-gf6e2156a (up-to-date) and it was already in mainsail. Should I uninstal crowsnest and instal it again manualy?


Mhmmmm, that might work. The other thing you could do is check you cable.

Happy Printing,


On second thought, (if applies) try and downgrade it to v3. V4 is for Debian Bullseye based systems if you are not on a Debian Bullseye based system It might cause issues.

Happy Printing,

Check if the camera is working at all:

  1. Issue the command vcgencmd get_camera
    • Output should look like: supported=1, detected=1
  2. Issue libcamera-jpeg -o test.jpg
    • Should not display any error, and you should have a test.jpg with a still shot

If the above is not working, you have a more fundamental problem.

Hello guys, thank you all for help.

I find solution on reddit. I had to change:

From - device: /dev/video0
to - device: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10

That was all. :smiley: