Problem with Pi-camera in mainsail

Klipper/Mainsail gives “no signal” in camera window, this has suddenly occurred, I have now set up the entire system again, but the problem remains, in the log file of crowsnest everything looks good, the device is simply recognized , the frame rate is also indicated but there is no image, I also tested the camera with Octoprint on the same Pi and it just works.

I also have the same issue. Started with my E3 and I did not notice when it happened. I tried a new Pi Cam and new USB Cam and neither are working. Last night I noticed there were some new up dates in my Klipper Screen on the E3v2. I updated and this printer has acquired the same issue now. No Web view and no FPS. Like it’s not there at all.

I have the same issue. I fallow this instruction and my cam is working now.

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That was the fix, Thank You!

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Had the same issue today after updating.

re-buiding crowsnest solved the problem ; just this :

cd ~/crowsnest
sudo make install

takes a while…

(found on crowsnest git)