Basic Information:
SV06+ :
Raspberry PI 5 (1.1 MB)
Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log
file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg
is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there
Describe your issue:
I am receiving the error mentioned in the title "“MCU ‘mcu’ shutdown: ADC out of range Sensor ‘heater_bed’ temperature -53.134 not in range 0.000:110.300 This generally occurs when a heater temperature exceeds its configured min_temp or max_temp.” "
However, I only get this error in one specific scenario. I am trying to run the Klipper Pressure Advance test, and per the documentation I downloaded the file, set the Prusaslicer settings. and then run the two gcode commands "SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT SQUARE_CORNER_VELOCITY=1 ACCEL=500 " and “TUNING_TOWER COMMAND=SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE PARAMETER=ADVANCE START=0 FACTOR=.005”
The bed heats up (or if it’s already hot cools down) to the correct temperature, readings are accurate, then this error. I have no problem printing anything else normally, nor heating the bed to any specified temperature any other time.
Edit: Now it gives the error every time it reaches the correct print temperature. As soon as it does, the temp readings go haywire for a second or two flashing high and low values until it hits a negative number and shutsdown. I had done 3 other prints today and no problem until I ran the pressure advance gcode commands, but I don’t see how that could cause this. However it only happens exactly when it reaches the print temp. If I set the bed to preheat to the same temp, no problem.