MCU ‘mcu’ shutdown: ADC out of range error continuously. Just completed setup of flashing board and the whole usual stuff and installed a fresh (tested working) NTC 100k glass bead and still I keep getting constant MCU ‘mcu’ shutdown: ADC out of range errors, with my extruder files properly modified.
Either use the Klipper predefined Generic 3950 or, if you are indeed using the Trianglelab NTC100K B3950 thermistor you need to use the correct values:
Coincidentally these values were derived by me a few years ago by characterizing the TL thermistor against a PT100.
You also need to remove these config blocks for all steppers, as they do not do what you expect them to: [temperature_sensor tmc2209_stepper_x]. You are effectively displaying the Raspberry Pi temperature with five different names, including raspberry_pi