Basic Information:
Printer Model: Qidi Q1 Pro
Related configuration:
accel_per_hz: 150
max_velocity: 600
max_accel: 20000
max_accel_to_decel: 10000
max_z_velocity: 10
max_z_accel: 500
square_corner_velocity: 8
Due to space constraints I had to place the Q1 Pro (18 kg with filament) on top of my previous DIY printer, which is a 3030 frame 500x500x1500 cm all included. The frame is stiffened in various places, but inevitably it wobbles a lot when the printer performs certain movements with high acceleration 180° changes of direction, like infill. Easily 1-2 cm oscillations of the whole printer.
The resonance calibration implemented in klipper uses only one accelerometer on the print head so it assumes that the printer frame is a static reference, that is doesn’t move.
Often this is the case, but in mine it’s not (and also when people install HULA feet, which allow the printer to translate).
My feeling is that the measurement is not accurate anymore, at least in the low-end frequencies, and the choice of the resonance frequency and IS algorithm will be affected, resulting in sub-optimal settings: the Q1 Pro is really stiff, so the motion experienced and measured during calibration won’t be there in real prints, since bed and toolhead will move together.
In my case, due to the combined weight of the printer and of the lower frame the frequencies affected will be below 10 Hz (rough guess), but people with HULA feet, having just the mass of the printer, will easily have the resonance spectrum affected up to 20 Hz.
This might explain also why people with HULA feet experience a reduction in print quality when the calibration takes places with the HULA feet on.
My use case is uncommon, so no code change is expected, but I somehow subtract the oscillations of the printer as a whole from the measured spectrum?
I could prepare an Arduino with a second ADXL on the base, outputting via serial to my computer acceleration data. Or I could record it using an Android app (which one? I need to set the sampling rate, which few apps do). But from them, how to proceed further?
I’ll report the results once I perform the measurement, it might be of interest for people using HULA feet.