SAMD SERCOM number for Duet2 w Duex

Trying to connect a thermocouple daughter board - Duet3d’s 2x Max 31856 board - to the SPI header on the duet2 wifi - I know i have to define a SAMD sercom but I can’t seem to find what the sercom number is for these pins (SPI0.CS1-4). Would also like to get my adxl345 accelerometer connected through these pins. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

When I had a test bed set-up using Duet2 I used the following configuration in the [extruder] block that worked well. I did not define a sercom but instead defined the SPI bus pins:

sensor_type: MAX31865
sensor_pin: PB2  # right port; other possible CS pins : PC24 (left port), PA6 (left port on stacked board), PA5 (right port on stacked board)
spi_software_sclk_pin: PB13
spi_software_miso_pin: PB0
spi_software_mosi_pin: PB1
rtd_nominal_r: 100
rtd_reference_r: 400
rtd_num_of_wires: 2
rtd_use_50Hz_filter: false

Thanks! They aren’t software pins though? This didn’t occur to me. I still have to pull the unused chip CS line high correct? Will this also work for the accelerometer on the same bus?

Yes, you do have to force disable the unused chip based on my experience and on what Kevin noted. I am assuming that you are intending to use an accelerometer on the same SPI bus? I have unfortunately no idea if this will work.

OK - got it works! Thanks!

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