I am using CB1 , manta M8P. I am right now using mainsail web interface to move printers. But I need to give commands in CB1 linux terminal or some python code that can give commands to klipper directly without moonraker or mainsail. I try typing gcodes in CB1 terminal directly and also after activating klippy env.
(klippy-env) biqu@BTT-CB1:~$ G28
G28: command not found
Hi! This is a follow-up question to the topic (Im working together with the OP):
As we now can control it from within the terminal (Woob Woob:-) !) , the next step would be to control it via USB and later via Ethernet. So far, we are sending said commands (‘echo “G28 Y” > ~/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial’) via serial connection from the client through USB Serial (thus → this kind of works already). However, this seems to me kind of creative, rather than efficient.
What is the recommended way to prepare custom G Code commands on a client and then send it to klipper via USB Serial or Ethernet? We want to prepare short GCODE commands on the client side (in Python), to use the printer as traversing system. Basically, a python script is running on the client handling the “main task” and tells the Printer to move from time to time.
I’m assuming to use Moonraker is the right choice, but i’m not sure.
Thanks, Sineos. Yours answer works for me. Now I can do homing (and other coomands) on my BTT Manta M8P + CB1 + klipper with:
biqu@BTT-CB1:~$ echo G28 Y > ~/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial
But I have another question: How can I collect the returned value from GCode command like ‘M114’, which provides the head positions? (P.S.I can tell the M114 is successfully excuted from the screen attached to the printer. There are XYZ readings under the console.)