Short-circuit on Manta M8P V2.0 (is there any way of saving it?)

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Neptune 4 max
MCU / Printerboard: Manta M8P V2.0

I was trying some stuff on my manta board to reset it, and i tried doing it via the reset button, and since my fingers are pretty big for that tiny button i grapped a small screw driver and pressed the button. But when i moved back i bumped my finger and hit these pins:

when i did that i saw some sparks and multible leds turned off. (pretty obvious)

the 3.3V, 5V and ACT leds on my board turned off.

is there any way to save my board (like a fuse that took the hit and needs replacing?)

Look for “F15” by the power connectors - it’s a 15A fuse by the 8 element screw terminal block that provides power to the board and bed.

For the future, can I suggest that you run wires from a momentary on switch to the MCU’s reset pin and GND on the SWD connector:

This will provide you with a safe and easily accessible way to reset the Manta M8P V2.0’s reset switch.

thank you, i will take a look at that.

For the future, can I suggest that you run wires from a momentary on switch to the MCU’s reset pin and GND on the SWD connector:

i will see what i can do. It was maybe also smart to look for a non-conductive material.

I was unable to find “F15” the only fuses i could find where “F12-14”

accroding to this image in the user manual:

checked all three fuses with resistance and all where okay. does that mean that i blew up my board?

Sorry, I should have said “F13” - I took a quick look at the schematic and saw that I misread the reference designator:

If you can see power at F13 (both sides) then you’ve probably blown the 5V power supply.


I dont exaclty know what you mean with “Both sides” but the only leds that are on is the 12V and a Vin led (green led)

Both sides of the fuse F13. If you see power on both sides and still no 5V and 3V3 then you’ve blown the 5V power supply.

Checking continuity isn’t enough - there could be a weak connection in the fuse that doesn’t hold up under load. It’s a faint hope but a blown fuse is better than a blown 5V power supply.

How do i check if both sides have power? do i just put a voltmeter both ways over the fuse?

im sorry if i don’t correlty understand what you are trying to tell me.

Apply power to the board.

Put the black lead of your DVM on “DCIN-” and touch the red lead to one side of the fuse and then the other.

If the fuse is good, you should see your input voltage on both pins.

Tested ‘F13’ both side say 24,2V

Then you’ve blown the 5V supply (which provides power to the 3V3 supply which powers the MCU).

Sorry - you’ll need to get a new Manta M8P V2.0.

Thank you for helping.

does this mean my CB1 is also broken or will that be okay?

Sorry, I don’t know. The CB1 (or CM4) is powered by the 5V supply.

There’s a good chance that it’s still okay but that’s not 100%.

If you can afford a new one, along with the new Manta M8P V1.0, then it’s probably a good idea to order one with it.

BTT usually has a combo price for the main controller board and their CM4 equivalents.

If you can afford a new one, along with the new Manta M8P V1.0, then it’s probably a good idea to order one with it.

i can but i won’t atm. i will order the Manta M8P V2.0 just like now, everything is fitted for that board (otherwise i may need to repint all the mounts).

and i assume that the V2.0 is better than the V1.0

I will wait for it to come in and continue form there.

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Is it really not possible to replace the 5v module?
Or is more broken?

It’s not a “module”. It’s a chip and some other components (which might also be damaged).

If you have the tools and skills to remove the TPS5450 and put in a new one then you can try, it’s about $6.00 USD at Digi-Key.

I should warn you that it’s not trivial to replace the part as it has a large power pad on the bottom that is soldered to the PCB - you’ll have to have the appropriate hot air tools or there’s a good change you’ll further damage the board (if you just have a soldering iron then forget it).

Nope, i dont have the skills and tools for that so my board is done for.

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chopsticks mate

@Robec :

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