SKR Mini v3 Pin PF0 is reserved for crystal

Basic Information:

Printer Model: sovol sv03
MCU / Printerboard: SKR Mini E3 v3.0

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
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Describe your issue:

Pin PF0 is reserved for crystal. I just copied and compared three existing printer.cfg files and they all use:
step_pin: PF0

not sure what the issue is…x axis is plugged into what I assume is correct if X motor pins go to XM…

Welcome. I have no clue what your problem might be! Please have a look here I need to hire a professional to work on persistant MCU errors - #3 by hcet14 how to start a new topic.

Good luck, hcet14

This here:


step_pin: PB13

Please attach the klippy.log to your next post.

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Sorry - what is so misunderstanding with that post?

Oh gosh, thank you for clarifying this. I don’t know why I didn’t think that the printer configs I’ve found online were using the stock creality v2.2 board, which uses step_pin PF0.

Looks like I’ll have to be making a lot of pin adjustments.


Extruder max_extrude_ratio=0.266081
mcu ‘mcu’: Starting serial connect
Loaded MCU ‘mcu’ 106 commands (v0.12.0-112-g72b301a2 / gcc: (15:8-2019-q3-1+b1) 8.3.1 20190703 (release) [gcc-8-branch revision 273027] binutils: (2.35.2-2+14+b2) 2.35.2)
MCU ‘mcu’ config: ADC_MAX=4095 BUS_PINS_i2c1_PA9_PA10=PA9,PA10 BUS_PINS_i2c1_PB6_PB7=PB6,PB7 BUS_PINS_i2c1_PB8_PB9=PB8,PB9 BUS_PINS_i2c2_PB10_PB11=PB10,PB11 BUS_PINS_i2c2_PB13_PB14=PB13,PB14 BUS_PINS_i2c3_PB3_PB4=PB3,PB4 BUS_PINS_spi1=PA6,PA7,PA5 BUS_PINS_spi1a=PB4,PB5,PB3 BUS_PINS_spi2=PB14,PB15,PB13 BUS_PINS_spi2a=PC2,PC3,PB10 BUS_PINS_spi3=PB4,PB5,PB3 CLOCK_FREQ=64000000 MCU=stm32g0b1xx PWM_MAX=255 RESERVE_PINS_USB=PA11,PA12 RESERVE_PINS_crystal=PF0,PF1 STATS_SUMSQ_BASE=256 STEPPER_BOTH_EDGE=1
Config error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/ceen/klipper/klippy/”, line 180, in _connect
File “/home/ceen/klipper/klippy/”, line 723, in _connect
File “/home/ceen/klipper/klippy/”, line 662, in _send_config
cmdlist[i] = pin_resolver.update_command(cmd)
File “/home/ceen/klipper/klippy/”, line 53, in update_command
return re_pin.sub(pin_fixup, cmd)
File “/home/ceen/klipper/klippy/”, line 50, in pin_fixup
raise error(“pin %s is reserved for %s” % (
pins.error: pin PF0 is reserved for crystal
webhooks client 547648575712: New connection
webhooks client 547648575712: Client info {‘program’: ‘Moonraker’, ‘version’: ‘v0.8.0-311-g65a8271’}

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