Pin '' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu'

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Anycubic I3 Mega S
MCU / Printerboard: Trigrilla
Host / SBC - RPI4 - USB Connection
Klippylog.txt (7.1 KB)

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
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Describe your issue:

I have been on and off working on changing out the stock carriage for a direct drive upgrade. In that same process I was also adding BL Touch.

After adding bl touch and having to change (uncomment) a couple things in my printer.cfg. I am now stuck with this stupid error. My [mcu] is defined, i have all the klipper updates etc. and now im just getting stressed out because i want to be done messing with it for awhile.

Before changing the settings in the printer.cfg, I was doing the bl touch settings in the console. When i went to home my printer, bl touch did not extend to go into touch mode or whatever. I will upload my entire config as well.

Please let me know what i’m doing wrong.
printer.cfg (10.4 KB)

Hello @Tpetersen !

step_pin = PC1
dir_pin = !PC3
enable_pin =    # <------
rotation_distance = 8
microsteps = 16

Do i set this pin to being my serial port or mcu ? or what am i supposed to do with this information

You should check the Config Reference [stepper_z1] and the [stepper] sections on info about what to enter there. You need to know the schematic of your board to understand to what pin the stepper is connected.

im gonna be honest man, idk what stepper z1 is referring to. I have replaced all my stepper drivers with TMC2209 drivers, BMG extruder, Titan style carriage. noctua fans etc.

When checking that reference they are just blank, so i’m not really sure where to get the information to actually fill it there “Template”

In that case you’ll need to do some reading in order to understand Klipper and your printer, there’s not much we can do to help. I suggest that you start looking over the Installation page, glance over the FAQ page and maybe things will be more clear.

[stepper_z1] is a configuration for the 2nd Z stepper motor, some printers can do independent adjustments to each Z stepper to compensate for tilt, see Probe calibration and Z_TILT_ADJUST

I think i understand my printer just fine. I wasn’t having any issues while printing with klipper until I installed bltouch.

Now i am getting the MCU error.

I also took the new klipper update and in the docs i was reading, something about serial or something is depricated now. i’m not too sure just someone tell me how to fix it cause i wouldn’t have posted in here if i didn’t already do a ton of reading.

Do you still have the configuration from before adding BLTouch? Maybe an old klippy.log file from the day before the change?

You must have changed something else in the process, something not related to BLTouch.

I don’t think I did, and I doubt I have the config unless it’s in a Backup

Usually, after calibration macros, you need to run SAVE_CONFIG, that creates a copy of the configuration file with the date added before the extension, you should check in your configuration directory for a file from before BLTouch.

@EddyMI3D already provided you with the answer:

step_pin = PC1
dir_pin = !PC3
enable_pin = 
rotation_distance = 8
microsteps = 16

Each stepper definition needs an enable_pin (independent of TMC drivers or not). Usually you will find the right pin in the boards documentation or example configs.

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I’m away from the printer right now, when I get back home I’ll check and see

So will I need to do this for the 5 or however many drivers there are ? Or ?

I got it, I had a comment before the pin name

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