Sonic pad and kobra max

See Klipper Architecture / Ecosystem how the Klipper components interact.
The host (your small computer, SBC, Sonic Pad) runs the Klipper host.
The printer-board (this thing where all the printers cables are attached) runs the Klipper firmware

Both of them will do nothing without the other. So the installation sequence is:

  1. Install Klipper on your small computer, SBC, Sonic Pad
  2. Build the printer-board firmware
  3. Flash the printer-board firmware
  4. Get its serial path
  5. Modify your printer.cfg so that it matches your printer AND add the serial path from No 4
  6. Start Klipper on the host
  7. Potentially reset the board

Only then your printer’s display will show anything meaningful (if you have done it right).