Sonic pad and kobra max

Basic Information:

Printer Model: kobra max
MCU / Printerboard: not sure its stock

Describe your issue:

…i have moved the resistor as stated being required, i have uploaded klipper.bin and changed name to firmware.bin, stick it in kobra max and the printer wont pass the logo screen i have tried so many times with different files from the other posts, nothing works. printer will take stock firmware again no problem. no one else seems to be having an issue similar to this…i have even waited a full night to see if its just really slow to update firmware. please i need help :slight_smile:

Would be nice if you would state what you refer to.

And also:

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i have been reading of someones tutorial on setting up sonic pad on kobra max and many other first step is to change resistor spot from r65 to r66 is what im talking about step 2 is to install klipper firmware, which is where im having an issue. Anycubic Kobra Max config file

Would you you share the source?

Good luck, hcet14

lol the blue wring that says anycubis kobra max config file is a link to that forum and discussion :stuck_out_tongue:

writing sorry messed that up haha

Ok, but it’s old. You can’t use the actual Klipper version on your Sonic pad. No way to get new SW/FW on that thing!

You always can edit your posts, use

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the sonic pad is old? i just bought it and isntalled klipper for my ender 3 s1 pro, and that discussion didnt seem too old? i am not familiar with any of this so of course i can be wrong hense the ?? lol… i am also talking to someone else about switching the board to another one to run klipper and use my sonic pad and he is just getting this up and running with beta testing so im confused why the sonic pad would be out of date?

Not the Sonic pad is old but the installed Klipper version is!
They are doing their own adjustments and make it hard for us to help here.

With the latest Update of the Sonic Pad you will get the latest Klipper Version!

V1. Change List:

  1. Klipper is updated to the open source version V0.11.0, and moonraker (v0.8.0), fluidd (V1.24.0), mainsail (V2.5.1) are updated to the latest version

Source: Creality Sonic Pad Software & Firmware Download

Latest Klipper: Releases - Klipper documentation

Still the question how up-to-date this version is.
If you check a current standalone Klipper installations it says more than v0.11.0.

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Interesting. Maybe there is some hope for the owners of this piece of ju…fine hardware. I’d be happy for them, since they spend a lot of money for it.

And of course it brings us to yet another GPL violation of Creality: GitHub - CrealityOfficial/Creality_Sonic_Pad: Firmware for Creality S-Pad by Creality

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i think everyone is missing my issue, i havent even gotten to the point of these steps with communicating sonic pad with the printer. my issue is that the klipper firmware wont load onto the kobra, like it is supposed to be able to in the thread i linked above in one of my replies. im supposed to take a file that was built in jan 4 2023(klipper.bin), rename it firmware.bin and upload to kobra max board. everyone else in the thread is having no issues with this (its a few months old) but i cannot have anyy success as it just hangs up on the logo screen. i appreciate all the replies but like i said i havent even gotten to dealing with the sonic pad with kobra yet. sonic pad may be out of date or whatever but it works wonders for baisc machines that i already use them with.

Did you actually try connecting it to the Klipper host?

no i stated above i have not tried this as the steps to follow in the thread state i need to upload klipper firmware to machine by micro sd, then upload printer config after that to machine through sonic pad. i have read of others not following steps in order and it messes things up.

But you do realise that a Klipper flashed board will do absolutely nothing without a running and properly configured host?

yes. but the first step is to flash the firmware. im only following instructions best i can. lots of others have succeeded doing this so im just confused why i am not able to succeed the same way. just in case im missing something, the printer is the host is it not? and the board is in the printer that im trying to install klipper onto? i use klipper/fluid for both my K1 max’s as well as i use klipper/fluid on my ender 3 s1 pro using the sonic pad, all these i use orca slicer. so this is why i am trying to use the sonic pad with kobra max, so that i have one method to run all these printers(i use mambu slicer for both my x1c’s) i may be stupid here so im sorry in advance, im decent at most stuff but programming, etc is a week point for me.

The host is (inside) the Sonic pad running a Linux derivate where you actually install/use Klipper.
The MCU/printer board inside your printer will be flashed with a new firmware so that the Klipper host can control it.

You can somehow use/play with the Klipper host without the flashed MCU but not the other way round…

When you flashed it correctly, than the printer will abort the loading screen after you switched it on.

During flashing with the correct firmware.bin you will hear 3x beep sound.

For the Sonic Pad you need to load the config.cfg, which you already found. Rename it into printer.cfg and check the correct USB Port of your Pad. Both (port, where pluged-in the printer and port inside of the cfg (mcu section)) must be aligned. Then put it on the stick and plug into the Sonic Pad during configuration.

See Klipper Architecture / Ecosystem how the Klipper components interact.
The host (your small computer, SBC, Sonic Pad) runs the Klipper host.
The printer-board (this thing where all the printers cables are attached) runs the Klipper firmware

Both of them will do nothing without the other. So the installation sequence is:

  1. Install Klipper on your small computer, SBC, Sonic Pad
  2. Build the printer-board firmware
  3. Flash the printer-board firmware
  4. Get its serial path
  5. Modify your printer.cfg so that it matches your printer AND add the serial path from No 4
  6. Start Klipper on the host
  7. Potentially reset the board

Only then your printer’s display will show anything meaningful (if you have done it right).