Sonic Pad and CR-10 Smart Pro problem

:frowning: ## Basic Information:
Printer Model: Creality CR-10 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: CR-FDM-v2.5.S1
klippy.log (4.7 KB)

Hello everyone,
This is my first post and I have searched high and low to find a solution.
My problem is that I go through the installation process on my Sonic Pad and it created a bin file for my printer. I then insert the memory stick into the printer and nothing happens. I have tried connecting to the Sonic Pad via web interface, but I only see “System is preparing…” I am able to get into the setting page and I have an error message, “Invalid root path(gcodes)”. I checked the path in [Virtual SD_Card] and it’s the default path.
I am on my second Sonic Pad because I thought the first one was defective. Turns out it wasn’t defective. I think the problem is between the keyboard and the chair. :frowning:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. It’s probably something really stupid and easy to fix.


The Sonic Pad runs a modified version of Klipper and we can’t offer support for it. You need to contact Creality for help.