Random stopping

Basic Information:

Printer Model: cr10s pro v2
MCU / Printerboard: original board
Host / SBC: sonic pad
klippy.log attached


I was printing as normal, all 3 working fine then began a new print.

The printer, 6 times over now, starts the print, lays down the brim then just homes to the front corner of the bed, and stops.

Hotend still hot, bed still hot but also retracts filament.

No understanding why.
Klippy log is attached.

Only thing my webUI tells me is the filament senaor is detected. Ive taken this apart, no obvious faults, works as should, rebuilt. Then tried with it disconnected, started to pront then stop again.

Only thing I have done is had my SP on over night while printing.

My other cr10s pro v2 is working fine.

klippyzip.zip (1.1 MB)

Hello @Whitewolf !

It seems you are using a Sonic Pad. Support here is limited if possible at all.

Can you share the file you like to print.


I dodnt realiae this, nor all of the information you shared with me also.

Before the SP, I bought a Pi4B but couldnt get it to work, hence trying the SP.

U dont know Linux that well so wont be attempting to alter it.

Physically, the last thing I’ve done is swapped the hotend fan for a higher cfm fan. I may go back and check my wiring.

My klippy log does show errors in the last few lines before it stops, but i dont totally understand it.

No one here understands these error messages. They a Creality secret.

If you have changed your hotend fan for a higher flow version, have you done a updated pid calibration since?

i did notice “Heater extruder not heating at expected rate” in your log file


I have done a new Pid yes.

So just sliced the file again, and ive left a post processing script on… a test at layer 2 for M600 and its worked.

This would explain the retraction of filament when it parks in a safe position :roll_eyes:

I agree, theyre definitely a mystery scrift of information :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Cant believe I’ve been as daft as a simple mistake :rofl:

Respiced and removed the post processing script, its now working

Thank you for your input and help guys!

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