Stepper motor loud "vibrating" noise

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron 2.4r2
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Octopus Pro 1.0.1
klippy.log (5.4 MB)
stepper noise (4.2 MB)

Describe your issue:

I noticed on my Voron 2.4r, when I do diagonal movements (only stepper A or B moving), at speeds above 150mm/s, it makes a horrendous sound. Doing linear movement (only x or y) at 150mm/s and above is much quieter and does not produce this horrendous sound. I made a video so you can listen to it. I tried fiddling around with stepper currents, microsteps, interpolation, spread cycle, and stealth chop. I lubed the rails and tried my best to square the gantry. Last but not least, I checked for any loose screws and parts, but nothing made a change at all. Does anyone have an idea? I guess it’s the stepper motors themselves, but I’m not 100% sure about that. The stepper motors are “MOONS MS17HD6P44201-04, 2A”. I should also mention that I treated myself to the Formbot Voron 2.4r2 Kit, together with the Chaoticlabs CNC parts and Chaoticlabs CNC tap.

I found a solution.

I did further testing and found out using stepper dampeners, or simple rubber washers did nothing.
When I changed to the E3D High Torque Motors, all movements, X Y and diagonals made the sounds at lower speeds, around 100mm/s, while the MOONS Motors made the noise at 150 diagonals and 250mm/s on X or Y movements. When turning off the Motors and moving the printhead with my hand as fast as I can, everything sounds fine.

This indicates that the source of the sounds is coming from the Motors, not from the gantry or the Rails.
In another forum, I’ve got the suggestion to turn off stealth chop. I thought I had tried that before with no success, but now with stealthchop_threshold: 0, the noise is gone. Why turning off Stealthchop has such an impact on this issue, I don’t understand. Maybe Stealthchop causes frequencies in the motors that resonate with the gantry?

Anyway, I hope it helps those who stumble across this post.

1 Like

That sounds like motor resonances.
Did you print something with the noise being present? Most likely you will see vertical artefacts then.
Normally the motors should be less noisy while in StealthChop. But I had it being the same already but not the other way round…

How much did you tension your printers belts?

I had mostly printed Benchys and XYZ cubes to test the machine, but only at about 100mm/s. I hadn’t seen any noise in the printed parts. During fast non-printing moves, you could hear that sound. I tensioned the belts according to the Voron documentation, 140Hz when plucking the belts

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