Yesterday i upgraded klipper to the current version (old version was klipper:v0.9.1-647-gbe122411).
My printer is a dual_carriage printer with following specifications (before upgrade):
2 Motors for X
2 Motors for Y
3 Motors for Z
1 Motor for E1
1 Motor for E2
All motors uses microstepping 128
The z-motors are geared and is use for z a belt
The controller boards is a RADDS + extension and an old RAMPS for additional pins.
i use a Raspberry pi 4 (4gb) + cam for klipper.
After the upgrade the error triggers directly when i call “BED_MESH_CALIBRATE” (the bed moves some mm and then stops with the error)
So i tried to reduce the microsteps of the z axe to 32.
This helps for BED_MESH_CALIBRATE but during the print the same error was triggered.
So i tried to add “step_pulse_duration: 0.000000100” to each stepper, but it doesn’t help
Current config:
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_sam3x8e_20313253353837382039303230303130-if00
[mcu subboard]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0
kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 200
max_accel: 4000
max_accel_to_decel: 500
square_corner_velocity: 10
max_z_velocity: 50
max_z_accel: 100
step_pin: PD6
dir_pin: !PD2
enable_pin: PA7
microsteps: 128
rotation_distance: 40
step_pulse_duration: 0.000000100
endstop_pin: ^PD3
position_endstop: -55
position_min: -55
position_max: 240
homing_speed: 20
axis: x
step_pin: PA15
dir_pin: !PA14
enable_pin: PD1
microsteps: 128
rotation_distance: 40
step_pulse_duration: 0.000000100
endstop_pin: ^PC2
position_endstop: 295.69
position_min: 0
position_max: 296
homing_speed: 20
step_pin: PA12
dir_pin: !PA13
enable_pin: PB26
microsteps: 128
rotation_distance: 40
step_pulse_duration: 0.000000100
endstop_pin: ^PC4
position_endstop: 300
position_max: 300
homing_speed: 20
step_pin: PB16
dir_pin: PB15
enable_pin: PA1
microsteps: 128
rotation_distance: 40
step_pulse_duration: 0.000000100
endstop_pin: ^PD9
step_pin: PC12
dir_pin: !PB14
enable_pin: PC14
microsteps: 32
rotation_distance: 20
step_pulse_duration: 0.000000100
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_min: -10
position_max: 286
homing_speed: 3
gear_ratio: 57:11
step_pin: PA2
dir_pin: PA3
enable_pin: PB17
microsteps: 32
rotation_distance: 20
step_pulse_duration: 0.000000100
gear_ratio: 57:11
step_pin: PB19
dir_pin: !PB18
enable_pin: PB20
microsteps: 32
rotation_distance: 20
step_pulse_duration: 0.000000100
gear_ratio: 57:11
step_pin: PB25
dir_pin: PC28
enable_pin: PD5
microsteps: 128
rotation_distance: 8.08233
nozzle_diameter: 0.600
filament_diameter: 1.750
max_extrude_only_distance: 101.0
heater_pin: PB27
#sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
#sensor_type: PT1000
adc_voltage: 3.3
sensor_type: temp_ext_1_adc
sensor_pin: PA16
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 330
smooth_time: 5
step_pin: PC3
dir_pin: PC1
enable_pin: PC5
microsteps: 128
rotation_distance: 8.03283
nozzle_diameter: 0.600
filament_diameter: 1.750
max_extrude_only_distance: 101.0
heater_pin: PD8
adc_voltage: 3.3
sensor_type: temp_ext_2_adc
sensor_pin: PA24
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 290
smooth_time: 5
klippy.log → klippy.log
Image mcu load:
I don’t know what i can do now.
I hope i give enough information