Syncronized stepper not updating with flow rate adjustment

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron 2.4
MCU / Printerboard: Octopus

My issue is the second extruder is moving faster than the first one, even though they’re identical.

I have two hotends and extruders that I want to act as one. I’m doing a mechanically coupled mirror mode, so maybe a bit of an edge case. I used the [extruder_stepper] parameter to sync the second extruder to the 1st, but when I change the flow rate on the 1st extruder it doesn’t update on the second synced extruder stepper. Am I doing something wrong?

The first paragraph about SYNC_EXTRUDER_MOTION located in the extruder section is difficult to comprehend.


See the “stepper” section for a description of the above parameters. If none of the above parameters are specified then no stepper will be associated with the nozzle hotend (though a SYNC_EXTRUDER_MOTION command may associate one at run-time).

What does this mean?

Also, having a difficult time understanding MOTION_QUE is referring to as it’s not mentioned anywhere else in the docs.


Thanks for your help!

I figured it out! just add a second extruder1 and use the command SYNC_EXTRUDER_MOTION EXTRUDER=extruder1 MOTION_QUEUE=extruder to sync them together… but what do I do if I want a different flow rate on extruder1?

See kinematics: add duplication/mirror modes to idex_mode by Tircown · Pull Request #4464 · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub