Tempeture dependent Timeout of a step stick issue

Basic Information:

Printer Model: 2023 Siboor Voron trident 350
MCU / Printerboard: fysec spider 2.3
Host / SBC: orange pi 3
klippy.log (7.7 MB)

when my chamber temp is at 60C, I get a Timeout on wait for 'tmcuart_response' response after a bit or printing. at 55C this doesn’t occur. I am running bleeding edge V2 danger klipper, but with this being step stick related it’s likely not DK’s fault. I have seldom been able to get help with this. I don’t even know which stepper is the cause. All my electronics are below the chamber, save for an endoscope.

Obviously the stepsticks turn off at 60°C because of overheating.

You should not put your printer electronics inside a heated chamber.

BTW: What stepstick type is it?

Ok for one thing my electronics are under the chamber, i.e. not in it. Also they’re fysec 2209s

I feel like you didn’t notice but they’re all 2209s, also my eletronics are underneath the print chamber, i.e. not in it, like most vorons

Sorry, I drew a wrong conclusion about the connection between the chamber temperature and the crash.

Well its the only thing I’ve noticed that’s caused it. I don’t know if having motor wires near a heat source is to blame but I’ve been told in armchair that shouldn’t be an issue.

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